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Arabella sat in the middle of Times Square, watching as unfamiliar faces passed her. A hotdog was in her left hand and a Dr. Pepper in the other, eating and drinking as she watched. It was broad daylight and her ring twinkled in the sun, but no one seemed to notice the strawberry-blonde sitting on the bench.

Elijah Mikaelson spotted his sister in a second, quickly flashing over next to her. Arabella didn't glance at him, instead taking a bite out of her hotdog.

"Arabella," Elijah spoke after a brief minute of quiet between them.

"Elijah. How are you?" Arabella questioned, sipping her drink.

"Fine. And yourself?" Elijah asked.


A tense silence settled in between them. Arabella pretended not to notice as she continued to eat, people walking past her without a care in the world. Elijah, however, sat stiff. He had much to say to his little sister.

"We need to talk," Elijah started out, glancing at the strawberry-blonde.

"We're talking right now, Elijah," Arabella replied with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Elijah hummed, a small smile passing his lips. "So this is where you've been for the past year? New York City?"

"I started in Perth then slowly made my way back. I got to see lovely places," Arabella replied nonchalantly.

"While Niklaus and I were cleaning up your mess in Mystic Falls, you decided to take a vacation in Australia?" Elijah questioned incredulously.

"And France, and Spain, and—"

"—Arabella," Elijah snapped, slowly growing irritable with his younger sister. "You left a disaster zone in Mystic Falls. Elena Gilbert is a vampire, Damon Salvatore dead. Stefan is hellbent on finding you and killing you, Arabella."

"Let them, Elijah. I can surely beat him," Arabella replied with a chuckle. She found it amusing that Stefan was trying to come after her.

"That's not of importance. Niklaus is furious with you, Arabella. You killed his once source of creating hybrids," Elijah told her.

"And in return, I saved our lives. Alaric, who was maybe the one person who could kill us, is now dead," Arabella replied, finally turning to look at her brother. Her hazel eyes glared at him. "You're welcome."

Elijah sat back, processing the information. Arabella turned away from him, throwing out her hotdog wrapper and empty drink. Once done, the strawberry-blonde stood up to look down at her brother.

"Now, did you come here to tell me something or are you just going to tell me something I already know?" Arabella questioned with a quirked eyebrow.

"Well, in your absence, our brother has been...reckless," Elijah explained slowly. He stood up too, now at eye-level with his sister. "He managed to get a werewolf named Hayley Marshall pregnant. She now resides in New Orleans under a coven of witches."

"That's impossible," Arabella replied with a shake of her head. "We're vampires, we cannot get pregnant."

"But Niklaus is only half vampire," Elijah told her. Arabella felt it click, making her sigh in annoyance.

"And you want me to return to New Orleans to convince Klaus to keep the child," Arabella said, pursing her lips.


Arabella thought for a moment, going over her options and the outcomes. She looked around New York City, her eyes sweeping over the tall, gray buildings. She finally settled on a decision and glanced at her brother.

"No. I won't do it," Arabella told her older brother.

Elijah blinked for a moment before furrowing his eyebrows. "Arabella—"

"This family is toxic. I lost my first love because I was afraid of our family. This last year has been the happiest time of my life, Elijah. I do not think I'm ready to come back and get involved in this drama," Arabella stated. She smiled at Elijah. "I love you, dear brother. But I cannot return to the family that's caused me so much pain. I hope you understand."

After that, Arabella disappeared within the crowds. She whooshed away, ducking her head down and walking away from her brother. She was finally free at last.

The Family Jewels ▷ Damon Salvatore [2] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now