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Is there going to be an epilogue?

I'm kinda working on one, but it's really bleh. I first need to figure out how this series will officially end.

Are you going to write another book? Maybe set it in NOLA?

No, this is the end for Arabella's story. The epilogue will include Arabella arriving in New Orleans to help or something, but I will not continue this book into NOLA or anywhere else.


Where do you plan to go now and start your new life?

I'm going to be traveling around the world and figuring myself out.

Do you think you're going to find someone who will really love you?

Honestly, in my 1000 years of experience, I'm going to say no. It could change someday perhaps, but for now I'm going to stay single. I will always have my family.

Are you going to turn off your emotions?

No. The first time I did it was terrible. I'm leaving my humanity in tact.

Are you going to be happy?


Ok, but did you actually ever love that piece of shit (Damon)?

A part of me really did, but true love is not real unless it is returned.

Why are you so badass like damnnn.

I'm an Original, darling. It's in my blood.

How can you be such a slay queen?

I don't understand that reference, but thank you.

Where do you think you'll move now you've killed Damon?

I plan to travel all over the world, I'm not sure where I'll settle yet.

Do you think Stefan and Elena will try and come after you?

If they do, let them. I killed Damon and I can certainly take out two newbie vamps.

I hope you find happiness after killing Damon 'cause with the way he treated you, you deserve it.

Thank you!


Did you ever really love Bella?

In 1864, yes.

Why are you such a dick?


Was Elena really worth it?

Considering I'm dead right now, no.

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