Hey, from 2016!

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Hello! It's me.

'Tis I, the much more mature Cynder (actually, I'm Kay. Hello again.) Anyway, i'm putting this at the beginning of the book to warn any and all who come to peer upon the excess amount of words in this book. And trust me. There is an excess amount. One chapter has like 18,000 words?? I apologize. What was I thinking?!?!

The writing in this is a little better than my first Harry Potter fic (double eesh), but this book!! Still has!! Lots of flaws!!! I mean, flaws are okay, right? Everything has them. No worries. But i'm talking about characters being OOC, general cliche-ness, and, gonna be honest, some of the stuff I wrote back in 2014 makes me look back on my younger self and, for the first time, use the word cringe.

Mm. Some will know that I planned a sequel for this, but after much debate, there will not be any sequels for this. I would actually pull this book down, if not for the sole fact that it shows my growth as a writer. (That's also the only reason my old HP fic is still even in existance).

Yes. I posted the sequel. And I (as of mid-2016) have also taken it down. It will not return, and neither will Jasmonica (Jesus, her name sounds like a flippin' sneeze. And wow, does it sound like I tried way too hard to make it unique.)

Oh wait. :)

I laugh at myself because of my old books, and I find it good fun! Everyone starts somewhere, right? So I don't sweat it. I'm just grateful to those who have read and will read my two oldest works (this and the Harry Potter fic), and I will always appreciate y'all taking the time to even glimpse at these words.

So yeah. Here's the concrete warning: Looking back on if, I believe the characters are OOC at times, some of the stuff in it makes me think I tried way too hard, there's cliche bullshit, there's way too many words in this book already, and you may possibly cringe.

I'm pretty positive I won't revise the book, because I wanna leave it as a milestone for my progress.

Anyway, now that that long spiel is out of the way, I want to thank you! Present readers, future readers, maybe even returning readers! I know I can be a little long-winded with notes like these but I want you all to know I appreciate every moment you spend on my stuff and thangs.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart and up. I'm so glad you're here, i'm glad you exist, and you are friggen awesome.

-Cynder, now more commonly known (?) as Kay

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