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I left the hotel the next day, after resting a little. I am still confused. I was almost killed and I knew I should've died! But why didn't I? There wasn't even anyone around me when it happened. How could whoever rescued me, find me in time? Maybe I will never know... I went back to my house, a old three story that my family has owned for generations. I lived on the top floor, the first floor is actually my shop. I started a bookstore/coffee shop. It also had computers and a small botique shop on the second floor. It is one of the town's favorite places to be. I hired three people to run it for me. So I had to do was order merchandise and the coffee and snacks. I had a lot of free time. So I write. I write stories, books, lyrics for songs, well, basically everything. I have shelves of my own books I've bought over the last few years. But, my favorite, is a beautiful hand carved wooden box for my journals. I walked over to the box and picked it up. Opening it, I took out the top journal, and set the box down. I opened up the book to a fresh page and grabbed a pen. October, 4, 2012 I wrote. I am alive. Just two days ago I had almost died.... And I wrote on, explaining to the journal what happened. Then, I signed my name at the bottom of the page as always. Sage Salvatore. I have been writing in journals ever since my parents died. They were murdered. Know one knows who or why. The case was never closed. Whoever killed my parents is still out there. I had no family left though. I was an only child, since I was seventeen, I got emancipated and inherited the house and got my parents money. They had a small fortune of 40,000 saved. I opened a store when I was 18, three years ago. I am 21 now and living a quiet life. Until, two days ago that is.

I am determined to figure out what happened. I will find out. I also wonder if whoever mugged me is still out there?


Elijah's POV

After doing some digging, I found out that her name was Sage Salvatore. It surprised me a bit. Could she be related to the Salvatore Brothers? Surely not. That would be too much of a coincidence. She also lives in a three story house where she has a shop, a bookstore in fact. It's called " The Bronze Book". Interesting, I guess.... It wasn't to far from my new home. Bronze is a small town. The kind of town where everyone knows each other. People are going to wonder about me. So, I decided to act as a business man interested in buying property for a construction company.

I bought some furniture for the new house seeing that I was just passing through in the first place and needed to appear as if I was moving here. I am feeling impatient on meeting Sage. But I need to take it slow. I can't let her know what I am. Not yet. I will visit her shop in hopes of meeting her. But not until I settle in. I can't stand not being around her.

My Own Original - Elijah Mikaelson StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora