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Sage's POV

I woke on the bed in Elijah's room. I realized he must have carried me to bed after the movie. I hopped up from the bed and walked slowly out to the living room. Elijah was fast asleep on the couch. He looked so peaceful but yet so still. Unsure what to do next, I walked to his kitchen to start breakfast. He must haven't been grocery shopping lately, because his cabinets and fridge were mostly bare. In fact, it was empty except for a box of cereal. The same one we had not too long ago, did this man not

know how to feed himself? I thought as I saw that there was a half gallon of milk in the fridge. I grabbed it and turned around. I about had a heart attack when I saw Elijah standing right behind me. I didn't hear him wake up or walk into the kitchen. He didn't look like he just woke up at all. Even his hair was perfectly in place.

He smiled as he grabbed the milk from me. "Let me do that for you." Pulling out a bowl from another cabinet he started pouring milk into the bowl. He motioned for me to go sit at the table as he got the cereal out. I sighed walking to the table and in no time he brought the bowl to me along with a spoon. I started eating. He stood there watching me eat as if he was thinking about something. "Aren't you going to eat?" I asked him, wondering why he hasn't sat down yet. As if reading my mind he sat down across from me. "Not hungry." I shrugged. We sat there in silence for a few more minutes. I then realized I was supposed to go to the courthouse to do papers for the house. I looked at Elijah and he was still staring off into space. Why was he being so strange?

"Elijah?, I said quietly, "I need to go soon, I still have paperwork to do and my car isn't here." He waved his hand in the air. "Don't worry, you can borrow mine." I felt a little down when I saw that he wasn't going to come with me. I nodded and stood up. Elijah took my bowl and stood up as well. "I have some work do today." He smiled apologetically. I felt a little relief when he said he was busy. I thought he just didn't want to go with me. "It's fine. I understand." I reply, nodding and I gave him a smile to reassure him. I walked to the bedroom to change my clothes. I dressed into an outfit from my limited wardrobe. I fixed my hair brushed my teeth and went back out to the living room. Elijah was standing by the window looking outside. He turned when he hears me walk in. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded and he tossed me the keys. I barely caught them. Why didn't he just hand them to me? He was acting so strange today. I opened the front door after mumbling goodbye.

Elijah's POV

Last night had made me feel human. Watching a silly film with Sage resting on me, made me feel normal for a change. It was a nice feeling that ended shortly after. When the movie was over and everything was silent, I started to hear Sage's heartbeat. The blood running through her veins. I realized I hadn't fed as much as I should of. I then remembered my hunting trip was cut short due to the fire and I started to thirst. It was controllable. I have a thousand years on me. It wasn't hard to resist but I quickly took Sage to my bedroom and laid her down gently. I wanted to go hunt but when I looked at the time, it was 5:00 am and I didn't know if Sage would wake up soon. For some reason I felt thirstiest than usual. I grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge and drained it. It would due for now. I still had one left in the fridge just in case. I would hunt tomorrow. I decided to take a nap and perhaps that would help time pass before I could feed. Besides, I need to look human for Sage. She would notice if I didn't  sleep at all.

I dreamt of my human days with my family, when we were all together, before Henrik's death. It was another time then. One I wished I could go back to sometimes. I slowly awoke back to the reality of the present and I heard noise from the kitchen. I hear Sage open the fridge. My mind jolted as I remember the blood bag I had left in there from my midnight snack. I know I had put it in the drawer out of sight. I swiftly walk to the kitchen with vampire speed and stood behind Sage, ready to speak. Then she turned around and her eyes went wide. I think I may have frightened her. I should be careful when I use my vampire movements around her. I quickly shrugged it off and smiled at her. "Let me do that." I took the milk she was holding and nodded to the direction of the table. I distracted her enough to shut the fridge before she could find the red liquid. I poured her milk and cereal and handed it to her. After she settled down, I realized I was still bloodthirsty and I froze wondering what to do next for what seemed like the longest time. Should I go and leave Sage here while I hunt? Should I wait? I snapped out of it when she spoke. She asked me if I was going to eat and she gave me a funny look. I realized I was standing to long and still for a human and sat down. "Not hungry." I said trying not to think about how hungry I actually was. I haven't been this thirsty in decades.

I watched her eat as I tried to think of a way to get out of the house. Then, in perfect timing, Sage whispered, "Elijah?, I need to go soon, I still have paperwork and my car isn't her." Almost to quickly, I wave my hand through the air as if to dismiss the inconvenience of her vehicle not being here. "Don't worry, you can borrow mine." Even though I wanted to go with her, the thought of being in a building with a crowd of humans would not be very safe. For them and for Sage. I saw her face drop and realized she had wanted me to come along too. Feeling a little guilty, I took her cereal bowl and smiled apologetically. "I have some work to do today." A poor excuse I thought. But I just had to say something. She sighed, "Its fine, I understand." She gave me a small smile and an expression of what looked like relief. She went to change clothes and so I decided to stand near the window after washing the bowl and focus on the nature outside, to distract me from Sage. I heard her coming to the room so I grabbed my keys off the coffee table and returned to the window and took a deep breath. I turned around. I saw her in one of her new outfits I had bought her. I would have to get her more clothes sometime. "Ready?" I asked. And I lightly toss the keys to her, again feeling bad that I couldn't be the gentleman I wanted to be. She caught them roughly and gave me one last strange look before saying a quick goodbye. She went out the door and was on her way.

I exhaled deeply. I quickly changed into another suit, but without the jacket. I had a light blue button up shirt and dress pants that weren't too dressy. I went outside and walked to the end of the road where the beginning of the woods was. I ran with such speed deep into the woods where there were no human scents. The good thing about Missouri, was that there were plenty of animals such as Deer. I let my natural instincts take over. I rolled up my sleeves and hunted. I went through a third deer when I felt like myself again. I wiped my mouth with my handkerchief at was in my breast pocket. Next order of business, making my home look more human. Which entailed of getting groceries and buying a mini fridge to put in the basement for the bloodbags. That was a close one this morning. I didn't
want Sage to find out who I was yet. What I am. Now, it is time to make it up to Sage for my behavior earlier.


Thanks for reading! Comment below and tell me what you should think. I hope you liked it!!

My Own Original - Elijah Mikaelson StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ