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Stefan agreed to stay behind while they went to the Grill. It was a short car ride there. Once they got there, Elijah got out of the car and opened the door for Sage. She smile at him. "Thank you." She told him as he put his arm out for her to grab. They walked into the bar and found an empty booth. Sage looked around, it seemed like an ordinary bar, not that she has been in many before. She didn't see why it was so popular. A young waitress with red hair came over and offered them menus and asked them if they'd like a drink. Accepting the offer, Sage chose lemonade and Elijah had a water. She left them to look at their menus. She looked through it for a minute and decided on a burger and fries. She noticed Elijah hadn't touched his menu. "Are you going to eat?" Elijah looked at her with a look that said, "Are you really asking me that?" That's when she realized, he's never really ate much before or at least that she knew of. She put it together. "You don't eat food at all do you?" Elijah nodded, "Yes, although if I need to fake it, I can. Human food tastes rather dull." He still amazes her she thought, also thinking about how could fries taste bad. He ordered a salad anyway, which Sage actually ate because her burger wasn't cooked all the way through and she didn't want to burden the waitress and cook. They chatted about small things and Elijah even shared a joke or two. She was seeing more and more of his true self now that he didn't have to hide who he was. It made her happy that he was comfortable and she could tell he was happy as well.

Dinner was going great until Elijah saw Damon Salvatore walk through the front door. He hoped he wouldn't notice but being the nosy Salvatore he was, saw them first thing. He looked at Elijah, then Sage. He walked over to their booth. "Fancy seeing you here tonight Elijah. I thought after meeting Silas, that you'd leave town. Guess I was wrong." Sage gave Elijah a confused look. "Terrific!" He thought, now he will have to tell Sage about Silas now. Damon smiled at Sage politely. "Well, who is this lovely lady here tonight with you Elijah?" He snorted under his breath, if only you knew Great-Uncle Salvatore! Elijah thought. Elijah smiled almost too polite at Damon. "This lovely lady is Sage." He looked to her and introduced them to each other. "Sage, this is Damon Salvatore." He said emphasizing Damon's last name. Sage gave him a puzzled look. Elijah gave her a quick "I will explain later" look. She caught onto his lead and smiled. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Salvatore." Damon nodded and responded, "Oh, just call me Damon. Any friend of Elijah's is a friend of mine right?" He joked, looking to see the Original's reaction. Elijah put on a slightly sarcastic smile and told him, "And what friends do you have? You have a reputation for, let's say, to end friendships? Damon smiled nervously, "Ha Elijah, I always knew you had a sense of humor." He looked around, "Well, I better get going, I am so busy today." He nodded and walk off towards the and they saw him ordering a drink.

Sage turned to Elijah, "What was that about?" She asked confused. Elijah sighed, "That was Stefan's brother." Sage looked back at Damon again. "What?! His brother is still alive? So is he a...?" Elijah pretend to sip his water. "A vampire? Yes Your great something Uncle? Yes Do you really want to know him? Not yet." He said in a slight humorous tone. Sage looked at Elijah in disbelief. "And why not?" He took a breath and revealed, "Because he and Stefan are going through something right now and I don't want you to get caught in the middle of it. I will tell him about you someday if you wish or you can tell him. But for now, I would keep that bit of information withdrawn." She thought about it for a minute. "Fine, but as soon as they are over it, I want him to meet me for who I really am." Elijah nodded, "Of course." They finished their dinner quietly and went back to the estate to finish packing and to rest.

Like Harry Potter? Like the originals? Read my fanfic about Rebekah, Elijah, and Niklaus finding themselves stumbling into the world of Harry Potter and even going to Hogwarts!

My Own Original - Elijah Mikaelson StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora