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I do not own any characters but Sage.


Elijah's POV

I just finished putting the mini fridge in the garage. Hopefully, Sage won't go in there. I also bought food for her. I sighed and walked back inside. She had texted me earlier saying she was going to be late. There was more paperwork than she thought. This has given me an opportunity to take a look at something. The journals. I had brought them inside when Sage was in the shower last night. I went to my bedroom and in the corner farthest from the window was a loose floorboard. I put a small safe in the floor. I took the journals out and sat on the bed and started going through them. I tried the oldest first. A Grace Fell. There was not much writing in it. But the words in the book were more valuable than the ink, it was the story of Sage's Family. It appears a Salvatore was courting Grace in secrecy. She became with child and went to go to school in another town. She returned to, not surprising me too much, Mystic Falls. So, I was right about Sage. She was related to the Salvatore family I knew.
I read on. The father had found another woman. Leaving Grace heartbroken, she had the child and never told him. Then, I read the last part. Stefan Salvatore will never know his child. My jaw dropped down. Stefan Salvatore was a father. And Sage is a direct descendant of him.

There were plenty of Salvatores! Why him? Did he ever find out? What happened to Grace? She mentioned another woman. Who was she? I looked at the journal and it was dated 1863 when they were dating. If she had had the child later on around 1864, then... I looked up suddenly, and beacame angry. The woman was Katerina. She had called herself Katherine during the 19th
Century. If Katerina had never met the Salvatores then Stefan might have known his child. This was all so scandalous yet so intriguing! How am I going to explain this to Sage? Hopefully, I won't have to anytime soon. She just lost her home and her parents before that. I still don't know if it was vampires that have committed this unspeakable act. It enrages me that a supernatural creature had murdered her parents. Even though I am no better, I have had my share of victims.

I hear a car coming down the street and recognized its engine as my Mercedes. I shut the book. I gently put them back under the floor and fixed the board. This wasn't over, I will avenge Sage. I regained my composure as I heard Sage pulling in. I went into the kitchen to get started on dinner. I decided to make lasagna since Sage likes Italian food. No wonder. She is a Salvatore with Italian roots. She walks in. I hear her heartbeat and can tell she is stressed. I turn around as she walks into the kitchen. She looked stressed too. She gave me a wary smile and I walk over and pulled out a chair for her. She took the seat and I went back to preparing dinner, I poured a glass of water for her while she waited for the food to be ready. I put the lasagna together and put it in the oven and set a timer. I sat next to her. She had a glazed expression and seemed to be lost in thought. I put my hand over hers and held it. Concerned, I asked her what happened. She sighed, "According to the town records, my family never owned the building. According to the records, my family never existed. Of course everyone knows I exist but I just don't." That is rather strange... I thought. How can she live here all here life and not exist. Its almost like... all of the sudden I sit straight up. I wanted to go investigate, butI remembered Sage. "What's wrong?" Sage asked worriedly. I smiled. "Nothing, I just need to check on the food." Thinking again, what if someone or something purposely erased all records of Sage. Making it hard to find her...

I took the pasta out and set it on the stove to cool off. And what if whoever did it was looking for her? As I think more about this, the more I put it together, I realize that somebody may be out to get her. The fire, it may have been propane, I knew that for sure, but could someone have planned it? The Bronze Book was public. Anyone could have set up some sort of explosion. And before, her attacker, when I first came through town. She would've died. Thinking back even farther than that... Her parents were murdered. Could this be all connected!? My sudden realization of this all occurred just now, while I am standing here cooking food. Someone is out there. Looking, hiding in the darkness, watching her, I could feel myself slip away and my eyes changing. Damn it! I need to get ahold of myself. I haven't been able to control my nature ever since I came to this town. I have never felt this out of control for centuries. It has to be instincts, something is very wrong with this town. Whoever is out there, I myself will end them. No one hurts Sage and lives, no one. I am getting her out of here. Tonight! I don't care where. Then as if on cue, the lights went out, I went to grab Sage. She jumped when I put my arm around her. "Whats wrong?" She gasped. I took a breath. "Stay near me." I led her by the window, it appears the whole street was out. Maybe it was just a blackout. I turned her towards me and gazed into her eyes.

"Do you trust me?"


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My Own Original - Elijah Mikaelson Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن