Chapter 2- Waking Up

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I felt my life drain away, but before I met the end, something happened and I started to heal. I was in a deep sleep so I could heal better.

I woke up from the horrible dream of being killed in the alley. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a room on a bed. That's when I realized it was all true! Last night had been very real and I almost died! Then, I remembered why I didn't die. The person who saved me.... They must have brought me here. I sat up, to quick and I felt the blood rush to my head. I steadied myself and got up. The room was empty besides myself. Whoever they are, I owe my life to them.

There was a knock on the door and I went to answer it. I opened the heavy hotel door and a bellhop was there. "Hello, my name is Lance and I will be providing your room service." I was confused, Lance must of saw that and added, " You friend paid for you to stay for three days with room service and meals." I did a double take, my rescuer had also provided me with a place to stay and food for a while also! Who is this person? I was starving so I ordered a sandwich, chips and water.
Lance nodded and walked away to prepare my lunch.

I lie back down on the bed and tried to remember who saved me....


Elijah's POV

It was hard to leave her but I
had too. I wanted her to know who I am for me and not just her rescuer. Maybe she won't even find out that I am an Original. Considering, that she is human, she probably doesn't even know I am a vampire. Lucky me. I can be my true self. Who I really am, besides one of the most powerful vampires in the world.

I left her at the hotel and paid them for three nights with full room service. That should give her some time to herself to recover mentally. And to keep her safe while she has vampire blood in her system. I decided to stay for a while. New Orleans can wait a while. I will tell Niklaus that I have other business to attend to. As much as I love my family, I don't want them knowing about her yet. I don't even know her name yet. Whoever hurt her must've ran off with her purse. So no identification...
I didn't even know what town this was until I looked at the hotel website. Bronze, Missouri. A little far from Louisiana , but not too much.
South Missouri is going to be my new home for now.
I found an old house on the edge of town. I didn't get anything extravagant like Klaus or Rebekah would. I could blend in. I can steal blood bags from the hospital for now, but I usually feed live and compel my victims to forget. Sometimes I just kill them. Now, I need to find out more about her...

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