46. You're The One That Started It

Start from the beginning

"Sorry," I said and grabbed them and shoved them into Dave's pocket as Frances walked in.

"This little man is getting impatient," Frances said as Kurt looked upset.

"Almost done mini man," Dave said as he waited for the timer ont the bottle heaters to go off. Meredith was happily playing with my hair. Dave took the bottles out of the heaters after the timers went off and handed one to Frances so she could feed Kurt. She walked back into the living room after she had the bottle. Dave put an arm around me and started feeding Meredith while I held her.

"So how did this happen?" Daisy asked pointing at me and Dave.

"She walked into my rehearsal space by accident and it just went from there. It was love at first sight for me. I can no longer picture my life without her," Dave said as I took the bottle from him and started walking around a bit.

"So I saw Father of the Bride 3 and Britt you were amazing. I'm so proud of you. I saw you live when you where in town. You rocked it girlie," Daisy said as Dave put his hand in his pocket and pulled it out again.

"Thanks. I can't wait to get back out on tour in a couple of months. It's gonna be less tiring because I won't be pregnant," I joked as Dave walked voer to em and turned me so my back was to her. He took my left hand and put my engagment ring on ym finger.

"What are you doing over there?" Daisy asked as Frances came back into the kitchen.

"Well since I'm gonna be divorced soon, she can wear her engagment ring finally," Dave responded after he kissed me. He took Meredith from me and headed up stairs with Frances. I looked down at my hand and smiled.

"Let's see that rock," Daisy said as she ran over and grabbed my hand. "Holy crap it's beautiful," she exclaimed.

"Thanks. I can't believe I gotta start planning a wedding soon," I replied.

The rest of the night we spent it talking and drinking. Frances wasn't impressed with Daisy and neither was Dave. I was gonna give her a week before I kicked her out. She was telling stories about me that I didn't ever want Dave to hear. While she was telling Dave about the fight I got into, I got up to answer the door. It was probably the pizza we ordered. Yes we ate the steaks but I being the stoner I am, I ordered a pizza after smoking up with Frances. Frances had told me she was ready to hit Daisy if she didn't shut up and I told Frances about the time I smacked the shit out of Daisy because she was "possessed" by a demon. I opened the door and saw Taylor there.

"Fuck I'm glad you opened the door," Taylor said as he walked into the house.

"You're suppose to be with your kids," I said as I closed the door.

"Alison was being a bitch and said I couldn't take them. So I came back here," he replied. He pinned me to the door and looked at me.

"You seriously never think about me when he touches you?" he asked as he ran a hand across my cheek.

"Never. Not even when he fucked me on the counter after you left," I snarled at him and pushed him away. He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him and kissed me. I tried to push him away but his hand was holding my arm tightly.

"Get the fuck off of her Taylor," Dave screamed and Taylor pulled away from me and let go of my arm. I ran off into the living room and sat down on the couch. "Get the fuck out of my house," I heard Dave scream. Frances and Daisy came and sat beside me as I started crying. I heard the front door slam and stomping on the stairs before another slam came from upstairs.

"What just happened?" Daisy asked after Dave slammed the door upstairs.

"I answered the door and Taylor came in and then he grabbed me and kissed me," I replied.

"Did you try to push him off?" Frances asked as she started rubbing my back. I looked down at my arm and saw it was slightly bruised where Taylor's hand had been.

"I tried," I responded as I put my head in my hands again. I heard the door bell ring and Frances got up to get it. When Frances returned she had the pizza. I stood up and headed to my bedroom. I walked in and saw the balcony doors open and Dave sitting in a chair. I walked out and sat in the chair on the other side of the door.

"I can't fucking believe him," Dave said as I sat down. He looked over at me and my heart broke. He had either been crying or he was tearing up.

"I tried pushing him off," I said softly as I looked at my feet. I heard Dave stand up and he kneeled down in front of me.

"I saw that. Are you ok?" he asked when he saw my arm.

"I'm fine. I want you not him," I replied. Dave lifted my head up and kissed me.

"I hope you always want me because you are my everything," Dave said before kissing me again.

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