My birthday!

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     I just wanted everyone to know that there is not going to be a lot of author notes, but I just have a few things to say. The first chapter is just a short one so I can tell you everything that I want to about Clara Loomis. I also wanted to say that Clara is inspired by me she looks just like me and has almost the same same story line. I am taking a whole chapter just to talk about Clara because I really want you guys to feel connected with the characters, also everything that I mention will help with the story later on!!!!!! (I hope you enjoy!)😊



      Don't get me wrong I love my birthday. I don't mind my family singing Happy Birthday to me, but it wasn't just my family singing. We are at an Italian restaurant and EVERYONE at the restaurant is signing. I really wish I could run out of the restaurant, but I just decide to be nice and live through the pain. Knowing that they are doing this out of love.
     My name is Clara Loomis and today I just turned 17! I live in SantaBarbra with my mom, my sister Blair, and my brother Sammy. Blair is 19 and is at college so I never get to see her and Sammy is 11 so I unfortunately have to see him all the time. My dad left us when I was 7. Everyone always tell me how bad they feel that I don't have a father but it doesn't bother me. It has been such a long time and I'm over it.
     I go to ManderWood High School and  I'm a junior this year.  I don't mind school that much, I try my hardest to be a good student. I think I'm doing a good job considering I've never failed a class I don't get all A's but I try my hardest.
     I have sandy brown hair, brown eyes, freckles on my nose and cheeks, and I'm also really tan.  So that is why my mom gave me the nickname "the nut" because she says I look like a hazelnut,  everything on me is brown. The reason why I'm tan is because first I live in SantaBarbra, and I live only 10 minutes away from my favorite beach. The beach is called Rincon Cove (picture of Rincon up top)and the reason I love it so much is because it has the longest waves to surf on. You can ride the waves all the way down the cove. Surfing is probably my favorite thing to do it relaxes me and makes me forget about everything that is stressful in my life. I ride a fiberglass board that is 6 1/2 feet long and I love it! It is the perfect sizes not to long so you have control while turning but not to short so the waves are smooth and easy to catch.
    I also love listening to music, drawing and dancing. I am on the dance team for the fist time this year at my school and so far I love it!!
     I am really exited for my birthday my mom got me tickets to go see 1975! I am going with some of my friends, and I can't wait!

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