Hudson's Heart Chapter Twenty

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Five wonderful months later......

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

As soon as those words are heard by Dade, he takes my enamoured face into his loving hands, sealing together our just married lips.

I can hear the cheers and whistles ringing in my happy ears. This is what true happiness sounds like.

We are ecstatically making our way through the small gathering when Dade suddenly stops, urgently bringing my face close to his. "Have I told you just how beautiful you are?" he whispers.

A small smile of serenity tugs at the corners of my mouth. "I don't think you have."

Dade strokes my luminous cheeks with his attentive thumbs, penetrating me with his idolising spheres. "You are so beautiful." He blinks slowly, brushing his glorious lips across mine.

I thread my amorous fingers in the back of his hair. "You're not so bad yourself." My seductive reply is richly rewarded with his playful kisses all over my neck.

"Get a room, you two!" Suzie shouts over the top of our small but excited congregation.

I shyly look up, my mother is crying happy tears, of course. My dad looks emotional, yet proud. While Suzie and Greg enthusiastically whistle and jeer.

Martha and Matthew stand with their arms wrapped around one another, almost looking as happy as us. The rest of our friends and family congratulate us with zealous clapping and big smiles.

All those who are important to us, are here at Prairie Point, to share with us this very beautiful day.

We walk a little further through the small crowd. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a refined looking Seth. He stands there, all clean-shaven with sleeked down hair, wisely nodding. He looks just as proud as both of our fathers. The words he once told me seem so very poignant now. He told me that once I had a Hudson's heart, it would be mine forever . . . somehow, forever just doesn't seem long enough. I want to be with Dade, in this life . . . the next life . . . and any others after that.

To think that I tried to ignore the voice that was eagerly telling me to walk into that travel agent's office all those months before. Everything that came before that fateful day is why I am here now: the split between Gavin and myself, the loneliness and boredom that came with that, my longing to be somewhere else, my work colleague's friend having a serious car accident, my insufferable boss, and the thoughtless quitting of my job. Every single thing was destiny's way of bringing me closer to Prairie Point.

I was destined to come here. I was destined to meet Dade. I was destined to be his wife.

Dade's hand squeezes mine. It's his way of trying to get my undivided attention . . . so undivided attention he gets.

With a ridiculously happy smile on my face, engulfed in such sweet euphoric happiness, I press against him. "We did it," I whisper against his neck, proudly clasping my hand around his as we join our waiting and affectionate family and friends.

Dade gently kisses my knuckle. A kiss loaded with so much love, so much adoration. "We certainly did, my beautiful wife," he says softly.

The love that I feel for this man . . . my beautiful cowboy, is incomparable. My heart swells inside of me. I smile at the man who has become my everything.

"I love you, Mr. Hudson."

"I love you more, Mrs. Hudson."

The End




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