Hudson's Heart Chapter Seventeen

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"That was absolutely delicious. I didn't think I would have much of an appetite, but I couldn't resist your mum's cooking," I say, leaning back in the wooden chair feeling so full and content. The darkening orange sun is starting to set on the horizon. As if by magic, the fairy lights come on, lighting up the shadowy oak tree. We both look up, to watch them twinkling brightly above us. I stare in wonder at the shimmering glow in amongst the branches. It's like being in a beautiful, magical scene from an enchanting film, with the hot as hell male lead character sitting opposite me.

I somehow always manage to get carried away with the hopeless romantic that lurks somewhere deep inside of me. Okay, I may not be in an enchanting film, but I sure as hell am with a hot as hell man.

I'm beginning to get slightly carried away with my leading man thoughts. I lower my head, smiling to myself. Dade quietly sits opposite me, staring back at me with a deep and intense stare. Our eyes lock in a silent, sensual appreciation of one another.

"I have another surprise for you," Dade says in his deep Western drawl.

I shift around in my seat. It's my body's way of reacting to the way he's looking at me. "Oh?" I ask.

He starts to smirk. "No American holiday is ever complete without a skinny dip," he says, his smirk becoming more roguish.

I start spluttering on my mouthful of champagne, nearly spitting it back into my glass. I gulp it back so quickly; I need to clear my throat before answering. "Excuse me? . . . wh . . . what did you just say?" I nervously stumble over my words.

Dade stands. "Get undressed, we're going skinny dipping," he commands me, with just a trace of a smile upon his full and delicious mouth. In a daze, I watch him walk around the small table to take hold of both my nervous hands.

I try to pull from his hold, shaking my head really hard. "We can't, Dade . . . someone may see." I shyly look around, to only see the night drawing in. There is nothing to see beyond our beautifully lit tree.

Dade laughs. "No one will see us. Besides, skinny dipping is kind of a rule around here." He smirks, taking off his boots. I watch him starting to undress. Piece by piece, his clothing drops to the grassy ground.

"We don't have towels and we'll get really cold," I protest.

As the excuses fly from my mouth, I find myself unable to take my eyes off a soon-to-be, very naked, and very sexy, Dade.

"You're just so British! Now, do you undress . . . or do I do it for you?" he asks, in a low covetous voice.

"Now that's the most tempting thing you've said all bloody day," I say, throwing him a sultry smile, reluctantly slipping my boots off.

He now stands in front of me, gloriously naked, revealing his beyond amazing body. I mean absolutely every beautiful inch of it. To see him in this way, regardless of him being surrounded by the night, makes my cheeks redden; they're a beacon of arousal. I nervously keep one eye on Dade, slowly slipping out of my jeans.

"Hurry . . . I'm going in," he shouts.

I watch his naked body disappear beneath the semi-lit, rippling lake. He watches me undress, with only his head out of the water. I feel self-conscious . . . exposed; yet turned on.

In heated disbelief, I remove my underwear. "I honestly can't believe I am doing this," I mumble to myself, dipping my toes into the dark water's edge. It's not just cold. It's fucking freezing! I really want to immerse my exposed and naked frame into the lake. I desperately need to have it hidden by its watery blanket but the cold water prevents me from doing it. The more I hesitate, the more Dade laughs. I know I just need to get this ordeal over and done with . . . and quickly. I try to not think about the icy water. I push through the boundaries of my body, bravely entering the lake. The more my body is lowered into the cold water, the louder my shocked gasps become. Once my shoulders go under, I literally squeal and furiously blaspheme. Dade finds the whole thing absolutely hilarious.

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