Hudson's Heart Chapter Fourteen

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Words can't actually convey just how excited I am to be going to my first rodeo. The best comparison I can give is that I'm just like an over exuberant child, who is literally bouncing off the walls.

I am so damn high; Dade is having to peel me down from the cabin ceiling. I mean, shit! I'm going to a real rodeo with my very own, sexy as hell, cowboy. It is seriously a squeal-worthy moment. In fact, I've been having many squeal- worthy moments lately. Ever since Dade and I have been spending our nights together. Waking up in each other's arms after an evening of doing many 'other things,' really has me walking around with an excited spring in my step. If I could bottle that shit, I really could make my fortune.

Since our first night together, Dade has never really gone. We are trying to squeeze in as much as humanly possible with what little time we have left. Being with him makes me so incredibly happy. I try to push away any thoughts of leaving Prairie Point, as far away as possible. I have buried leaving Dade so very deep; I hope I never fucking find it. I suppose we will have to have that conversation at some point, but for now, I don't want to taint our precious time together.

Dade tugs on my top, pulling me towards him. "I got something for you." He stupidly grins, obviously hiding something behind his back.

"What is it?" I ask, trying to peep behind his back, but he playfully keeps moving out of the way.

"Close your eyes," Dade tries to sound serious. I giggle, closing my eyes really tight. "Now hold your hands out," he tells me. I hold my palms out flat, still giggling like a fool, when I feel something being placed on them. When I open my eyes, I see a beautiful white Stetson with a thin black band around it. I enviously stroke its felt brim. I look at Dade, who lifts it from my hands, carefully placing it on my head. He then brings his lips to mine, kissing me beneath my beautiful new gift.

Wrapping his arms around my waist, he says, "I can't have my girl going to a rodeo without a hat, now can I?" he smirks.

I bring my hands up around the back of his neck. "I love it! Thank you so much," I say, placing a soft thankful kiss upon his full and luscious lips.

"My pleasure." His boyish grin is so heartwarming. I look at myself in the mirror, adjusting the position of the Stetson on my head. I can see Dade watching me, so I strike a silly pose.

"How do I look?" I ask with one hand on my hip and a provocative little pout.

Dade looks at me with deep affection. "Beautiful," he says proudly.

"Why thank you, Mr. Hudson." I laugh with a playful curtsey.

Dade tugs on the pocket of my jeans, bringing me quickly against him. He brushes his mouth lightly over mine, a teasing caress of his lips. "Let's go, I can't wait to show you off."

Arm in arm we leave the cabin, walking and laughing towards his pickup. I proudly glance sideways at him as a completeness washes over me. Happiness is something I thought I would never find, but here I am . . . happy.


"Oh, my God! That has to be the wildest day of my life." I excitedly grab hold of Dade's arm as we leave the arena. He smiles at my over enthusiastic chatter while we walk.

His mouth is twitching with amusement. "I can see you had a good time," he says calmly.

"Oh, it's such a buzz, isn't it?" I say with a bouncy, happy stride.

"What did you like most?" Dade asks.

I think for a moment wearing only a big ecstatic smile. "I think my favourite was the bareback riding or the saddle bronc, although the barrel racing was fun, too." I pause for a second, still holding onto him. I excitedly cuddle against his arm really tight, shrugging my shoulders hard. "Oh, I just loved it all!" I continue to ramble on like an excited fool.

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