Hudson's Heart Chapter Nine

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I must have been exceedingly bloody tired, I slept until 5: 30 p.m. I can't believe I've slept for so long. I rub my still tired face in my tired hands, trying to wake myself up. Shit! I've managed to miss the rifle shooting, as well.

I decide to run myself a bath and text Mum before I get in. As shit as things are between Dade and myself, thoughts of home don't as of yet, make me feel homesick. I didn't realise just how much I needed this holiday. Just being independent and free of the daily grind of my shitty little life in England is already liberating me.

Hi Mum, just a quick text to say hello. So I've been out riding again this morning and had the most fantastic night at a barn dance yesterday. Tell Dad I did the Do Si Do!

I am meeting some really lovely people and will share all their stories with you when I get home. Say hi to everyone and I will text in a few days time. Love you, Georgie xxxxxx

I press send, turning my bath taps off. I swish the warm water around my splayed out hand, the steam kissing my skin. My thoughts quickly turn to what I shall wear to the bar tonight. I open the wardrobe door, thinking to myself that I've not yet worn a dress. My pensive finger skims across my clothes. I stop on a plain, but attractive when on, red tulip dress. It's sleeveless and sits just above the knee. The crimson shade flatters my richly raven curls. I find stilettos can cheapen the look, so I've brought my other old faithfuls for my feet . . . my gorgeous heeled black Mary Janes.

Now my outfit is all sorted, I can fully relax in my waiting bath. It's actually done me good to not see Dade today. I can feel myself bouncing back already, feeling like my old self again.


"You missed a great time shooting today, Georgie," Greg says, taking a sip of his cold beer.

I smile with disappointment. "I know. That ride this morning did me in. I dropped off and didn't wake up in time," I explain.

"You can always do it tomorrow, can't you?" Greg asks.

I lean forward on my stool, picking up my vodka and lemonade from the table. "I will," I say, bringing my drink to my glossed-up lips.

Suzie screws her face up, rubbing her lower back. "I might even give the riding a miss tomorrow. I'm starting to get a little saddle sore."

"It's okay, Babes, I'll give it a thorough rub later." Greg is rubbing her back over zealously, with a crude grin gracing his face.

Suzie laughs. "I bet you will, you dirty bugger," she says, playfully pushing Greg away. Another pang of envy pulls at me. They're so close and comfortable with one another; they have such loving fun. It's something any singleton would want.

"So what will you do instead?" I ask Suzie, who now lovingly holds Greg's hand.

"I think I'm going to have a pampered morning. A bit of swimming and a lot of time in the Jacuzzi," she tells me, raising her shoulders with a dreamy look all over her face.

I smile agreeably. "That sounds great."

"Why don't you join me?" she kindly asks.

As much as the offer tempts me, I'm aware that this is Greg and Suzie's holiday, too. They don't need me tagging along all of the time. I lower my eyes, concentrating on the drink in my hand. "I think I'll give the two of you some quality time alone," I answer quietly.

Greg quickly interrupts. "I'm not going, Georgie. I'm doing the archery again," he says with an earnest expression.

Suzie leans towards me. "Why would you say that?" she asks seriously, looking at me from across the small round table.

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