58| Good Times and Fools & Their Bullshit

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Torii –

Per Raymond's request, and to keep from choking a bitch out, I kept to myself following the incident. Thankfully, I hadn't gone too far in my actions, in regards to harming myself or getting myself harmed, and my baby was doing just fine.

My only regret was that I hadn't made it known to everyone, but at the same rate... it wasn't everybody's business. There was too much that would be said, and not knowing mine and Raymond's situation, I was in no mood to be told what to do with my body and with my child.

Of course, because it had to be brought to the label while we were still promoting, and would be well into the remainder of my pregnancy, I was forced to sit in a meeting that I considered pointless.

Rather than focusing on the fact that Leann was eying me up and down, no doubt praying that I get dropped and replaced, I kept my attention on Mr. Bellamy and his associates, waiting for whatever their responses would be.

"As much as I want to congratulate you Torii, you know how things can go once it's out there."

I nodded. "Yeah, and I know y'all can choose to stop putting up money towards the promotion. That's cool, at least from my end. If I have to put up money to match what you give my sister and those chicks, that's fine. I've got it." Leann and Ava both rolled their eyes at me.

Didn't make a difference to me. I was done with Leann after the fight, and Ava had crossed me when she had the nerve to question me about my pregnancy and supposed 'motives'. I.E., getting pregnant to speed up the process of the group ending. I wanted to be very rude and ask her what her motive was for getting pregnant a second time, not knowing which band member was that child's father, and later aborting out of shame, but that wasn't my place or business. I wasn't even supposed to hear that conversation, but I suppose we all had some type of dirt on one another.

"I just mean that, men in any area of the industry aren't so kind to women, specifically our bigger female artists. It really all comes down to a choice, and what you want most, Torii."

"And that choice is abortion, right? And not really a 'choice', the only option." I chuckled, casually placing my hand on my belly. "Listen, y'all are older and your kids are probably grown. You're probably glad to have them out of whatever little hair you have left. You personally don't want more kids and that is fine for you. However, you MEN have no place or right to ask that a woman, whether she makes you a lot of money or barely any at all, to abort a child. That's the first place you messed up. Next, while it did happen at an unexpected time, this child is a blessing to both me and my husband. Trust and believe, I wanted to have my first child during that hiatus, and had it been in God's plans for us, it would have happened. We were told that I couldn't even have kids. And because we struggled and prayed through that, and we've finally been blessed, we are happy. Lastly, it's too late. And even if it weren't, this baby hasn't even made it to this world yet and I am madly in love with him or her, so no, I will not be getting rid of any child of mine. Also, you can kick me out the group, drop me, stop backing me... whatever, because when Fly Girl ends, I'm going to Sony anyway." I shrugged, sitting back in my seat.

"I commend you, Torii. I just feel it's only right that we warn you that things can get difficult from this point on."

I shrugged again. "Okay, and? Y'all have recouped everything. If we're being honest, we're only still promoting because y'all took on more than was necessary. However, knowing we can't disappoint fans even more, we agreed to finish it out. Again, I am not getting rid of my child. So, what are YOU going to do?"

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