44| Damage Control (Part 2)

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Troy -

I smiled, giggling each time Marliss kissed along my neck. "Was I gentle enough?"

"First time didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would. Second time was good."

"Not just that, was I gentle enough with your body in general? You know, with the random pain and spasms, was I careful enough?"

I made him look me in the eyes. "Yes, Baby. Had you'd been any gentler, or more careful, I don't think I would have enjoyed the experience. You were thinking that I'd break or something, but I didn't. It's fine, and maybe next time we can be just a tad bit rougher."

He chuckled, lying his head against my chest while I gently scratched his scalp with the tip of my fingernails. "You need a haircut."

"Just for you, I'll get one tomorrow." Marliss sighed, humming for a few seconds before he spoke again. "How are you feeling now?"

I thought about it for a second. "Happy. I was nervous, still kind of afraid that the moment might not have been right."

"So why didn't you stop me?"

"Because, the moment turned out to be perfect, the way you handled it, I mean. You kept checking on me, and I thought that was so cute because you were concerned for me, and concerned about possibly hurting me. You showed me that you care, that you love you me, and that what we have is something real. I no longer had any doubt that I wanted to share the moment with you. Though, I don't believe we should discuss or hype up the actual first time. Let's just go by the second if we ever reminisce."

Marliss laughed, taking my free hand in his. "No regrets?"


"You still love me? Still in love with me?"

I nodded, though I wasn't sure if he was looking up at me. "Madly."

"Good." He cleared his throat. "I had to ask because, we know I'm the more sensitive one in the relationship, and I ain't want you to just take my body and leave me."

I covered my face, trying so hard not to laugh at his foolishness. "I am not about to play these games with you, Marliss. That's what you men do once y'all finally get some. You got it, do you still love me? Are you still in love with me?"

He sat up, looking directly in my eyes as he smiled. "Yes, Troy, I love you, and I am deeply in love with you. Always."


He'd just laid beside me and pulled me into his arms when I heard a knock at my front door, followed by an incessant ringing of my doorbell. "Were you expecting somebody?"

I looked over at my nightstand, sighing heavily. "Not at no damn three in the morning. Let's just go to sleep, maybe they'll go away."

"What if that's your Pops?"'

"You're eager to get cut if it is him, while you're laying up here naked?"

"Nah, but... I'm saying. It could be important. I could always hide in the bathroom, or get dressed quickly and jump out the window if it were him."

I shook my head and got up, taking my sweet time as I put on my robe and slippers. "I believe you really would jump out the window too." My walk from my bedroom to the front door was extra-long, but only because whoever it was, they were pissing me off by continuing to ring my bell. You'd think, after getting no answer, they'd go away.

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