12| Ava The Loner

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Ava –

I'd stayed quiet and to myself for the most part, unsure of how the other girls felt about me. We'd been put together in the studio immediately, with no real time for us to make any type of introduction aside from our names. After the studio, we were brought back to a gorgeous two-story home that Brandy owned so that we could rehearse a little more and 'bond'.

The type to never really have any friends, I wasn't sure how to approach them. Jayla had been in a mandatory meeting the entire time. Leann looked as if she'd curse me out for even looking at her; there was just a real stale look on her face. Troy would smile every so often, but she had her sister here with her so I was beginning to feel as if making a friend, or talking with someone new was the least of her concerns at the moment.

Excusing myself from the bedroom we'd self-designated for ourselves after the guys from the other group showed up, I sat down on the couch and picked up the receiver of the phone sitting on the coffee table.

I'd been out here since late Friday evening, and with everything being so rushed, I hadn't had the chance to call home. No one, aside from Sean even knew I was gone. Missing them, for some odd reason, I decided to call my parents.

I waited and waited and waited for an answer. I was just about to hang up, and redial, when I heard one of the sweetest voices ever. Instantly, I became just a little homesick, and ashamed for not calling more just to speak to her. After all; she raised me, loved and cared for me. The least I could have done over the last couple of months was let Deena know that I was okay, that I was making it.

"Hi Deena."

I heard her gasp before she laughed heartily, almost as if she hadn't been able to laugh like that in years. It was heartwarming, but heart breaking at the same time. I wondered if she'd laughed at all since I left her there alone with my parents. "My Darling, how are you? I miss you so much Ava, please tell me that you're coming home. I know you want your independence, but Baby, it's not safe out there for you to just be going any and everywhere. Are you eating? Do you have somewhere to stay? Where are you calling from now?"

I smiled, asking her to calm down a little bit. "I'm fine, I promise. I have been eating, a little too much. And I do have somewhere to stay, I have a nice home."


I gathered my nerves quickly, figuring that I need to just get it over with. If my father hadn't blabbed it out, then I'd hate for her to find out any other way. "With Sean. He and I, we got married."

"What? Ava..." I heard her sigh. "Sweetie, I'm sure there had to have been other options."

I shrugged, even though she couldn't see me. "Maybe, but every other option would have led to me being sent home. But, the most important thing is that I'm happy."

"Are you really, Ava?"

"Yes Ma'am. And you're not going to believe what happened to me." I heard her moving around before she exhaled, probably taking a seat for the first time that evening.

"Yeah? What's that?"

I smiled, barely able to contain my excitement.

I'd held off on really celebrating for myself because I realized that while Sean was down about being laid off, it was kind of wrong for me to expect him to be fully happy. Though he is, I couldn't rub my good thing in his face. "I got into the group. The girl group that I auditioned for. They'd chosen someone else, but it didn't work out for them, and they chose me, Deena. They chose me."

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