5| Audition Day (Part 2)

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Torii -

As I headed into the room I'd been assigned for my solo part of the audition, the girl before me came walking out in tears. There wasn't much that got to me, but I'd be lying if I said the sight didn't put some type of fear in my heart. The judges who watched us dance had been kind, but what if these folks weren't.

I began preparing myself mentally for the worst.

Closing the door behind me, I tugged at the bottom of the skirt I'd chosen to wear. I took one deep breath before saying hello to the four judges. It wasn't anyone who'd already seen me, so I wasn't sure if I should be glad about that or more worried.

"Nice to see you Torii, very glad to have you auditioning for us this afternoon. How are you?"

"A little scared, but good. And yourselves?"

They all stated that they were just fine, and one of the women told me that I had nothing to be scared about. That's what she thought. "And what will you be singing for us today?"

"Young Love by Teena Marie."

"Interesting. Kind of grown for a fifteen-year-old. Ever felt those type of emotions?"

I shook my head, speaking honestly. "Nope, but there are lots of great love songs that have been recorded and sang and the artist may not have been going through that exact emotion."

"And you think you can pull it off?"

I nodded. "I can certainly try to. I can only give my best."

They all nodded before letting me know that I can start when I was ready. Immediately I tried to get the melody of the song in my head, saying a quick and silent prayer that I would stay on key and sing the correct words.

"I remember back in school, when I first laid my eyes on you, I saw your smile and knew right then and there. You reached out and touched my hand; two became just one person. No one could have stopped our love affair. But lately, we can't even see each other... without acting just like distant lovers. We even took to fighting under covers. What a shame, Baby." Seeing them staring at me, intently as they jotted things down every few seconds made me nervous. I closed my eyes, trying to push myself into my comfort zone as I continued. "Who's to blame? Young Love, why you wanna grow old on me now? Don't say goodbye, My Love. Just one more try, Young Love."

I smiled to myself before opening my eyes. "I remember promises, the way I'd feel when we caressed, and can't imagine where young love went wrong. You said that you needed me, but where is the sincerity. I guess that with our love, that too has gone. Lately, we can't even touch each other... without acting like distant lovers." I paused for a moment. "We even took to fighting... under covers. What a shaaame, what a shame, Baby. Who's to blame?"

When the only man in the room held up his hand, I stopped, sighing heavily. "Are you certain that you're fifteen?"

I nodded. "I'll be sixteen in May."

They all nodded before thanking me for my time and excusing me. I don't know if the lack of an opinion following my solo was a good or bad thing, but I did know that I'm glad to have this moment over and done with. Now, there's the long and excruciating wait until the final results come in on Monday.

As I was walking back to the waiting area to find Troy, I saw her talking to some random guy. "You do all of that and still find time to sing?"

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