16 | the sacrifice

Start from the beginning

"She always tells someone before she goes out," Kol said, coming back down the stairs. Klaus was right behind him and he nodded to me, indicating that Rebekah's not in the house.

"Call the Salvatore brothers, maybe she is there," Katherine suggested and looked concerned, ok, she is getting her humanity back slowly.

Kol picked up the phone and called Damon.


DAMON: Damon here, What do you want?

KOL: Is Rebekah there?

DAMON: No, why would she be here? Is she missing?

KOL: Dammit, she is missing. I bet it's Silas.

DAMON: I will be there in 5 minutes.


Kol hung up.

"What happened? Is she there?" Katherine asked, every one almost forgot that Katherine is human. Elijah shook his head and everyone stood still. No one knew what to do, there was a knock on the door, Elijah opened it and Bonnie's mom stood outside. 

What?? Why is she here? To find her daughter?

"Who are you?" Elijah asked. "Bonnie's mother," She stated, bold. Everyone was shocked except Caroline, she already knew her.

"And May I ask, Why are you here?" Elijah asked. "I heard about Bonnie's death, I came here to confirm it, Is it true?" She asked.

"It's true," Elena said from behind with Damon, Stefan and Jeremy beside her. Abby's expression didn't change. She wasnt affected at all or maybe she was trying her best to hide it.

"Well, we are going to bring her back, but before that we need to find my sister, she seems to be missing." Elijah explained. "I will help find your sister," Abby said bold.

"Why?" Elijah asked. "I am a witch, I can help find your sister and then we can find Bonnie, I might be helpful," Abby said. Everyone nodded and agreed. A witch may definitely come handy.

Everyone came inside and settled down. Abby started doing a locator spell with the Mystic Falls map. Kol volunteered to offer his blood for the spell. Abby then said some really weird witchy words and then she opened her eyes.

"She's dying, I saw a vision, she is in the woods near Mystic Falls, Silas and some others are there, he is really dangerous, we have to do something quick," Abby explained and everyone tensed. Kol punched the air really hard, cursing under his breath.

"I can send her a message if you want," Abby suggested.

"Tell her that we are on the way," Kol said angrily and Abby quickly did it, she fetched a paper and wrote that down and the paper disappeared once she said some words.

"We need to find the flower, it will weaken him," Stefan said and immediately came up with plans of who should find it.

"So Damon, Stefan, Jeremy and myself is going to find the flower while they think of a plan." Elijah concluded. Then, the group that needs to find the flower left.

"The element of surprise is definitely not going to work, we need something stronger," Abby explained and looked at them.

"Will my blood help?" Katherine suggested and Kol immediately nodded.

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