Starbucks time

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A/N hi readers! Sorry about the chapters, I originally wrote this all on one part/page as I typed it all on an iPod and at first I didn't know how to add chapters but now I have edited it into chapters

So as there are some smaller chapters is because the story was edited into chapters and not written in chapters! *if that made and sense*

Thanks so much for reading!


I could barley sleep but woke up the next morning thinking about what a crazy dream I had.

I clicked onto beaus twitter account to see he did tweet me 'Omg it's true!' I muttered to myself.

I scrolled through to look at his newest tweet:

@brooksbeau I love our meet and greets! Leaving America soon :( but going to the UK! I'm excited!

Yay the janoskians are coming to the UK! I knew my mum would probably not let me go to their meet and greet. She thinks they are a bad influence. Anyways they have so many fans now ill never get to meet them or get noticed.

Guess what yes it's school! 'Yay' I thought sarcastically! I rolled out of bed slowly! My talent is procrastination!

I walked to my locker

'Emilyyyyyy!' I sang to her

'Rachellllllll!' She sang back in a mocking tone

'Beau brooks tweeted me!' I proudly announced

She raised her eyebrow and checked her twitter

'OMG! Congrats' she replied

Today was pretty much the same as any school day. I walked out of school to my house with Emily. We planned on having a Girly shopping time so went and got changed then my mum drove us to the shopping centre

'So where shall we go?' I asked

'I wanna go top shop and urban outfitters!' Emily informed

'Yeah! We could also grab a Starbucks!' And with that we both headed down to Starbucks!

We waited in line for a while when I got my drink I felt my arm bash someone's

'I'm so sorry I didn't see whe-'

When a guy with brown hair looked up I saw his green emerald eyes...

OMG this can't be happening! This has got to be a dream! Seriously why is this all happening to me?

'Wait... Your beau!? Beau brooks!'

'Aha yeah! Erm... Sorry about that before it was my fault I was on my phone... not looking where i was going'

'No no I'm sorry! This is my friend Emily by the way and I am Rachel! You replied to my tweet the other day! thank you! Sorry your probably in a rush and...' I stopped and realised I was chatting away

' oh yeah! Thats where i remember you from! Haha not at all I'm glad I met you! No I'm not in a rush, just chilling with Luke for a bit he's sitting over there!' He pointed

I felt Emily squeal and get excited.

I think secretly she liked Luke and the janoskians! 'Come over and say hi! Ill introduce you to Luke!' He reassure us. We both followed him awkwardly!

'Yo Luke, this is Rachel and Emily they have watched our videos!'

'Oh cool! Hi girls! You guys wanna take a seat?'

'Sure!' Emily replied fast

I hesitated and turned to Beau he smiled and nodded so I sat down as well

We chatted for a few minutes about youtube and stuff. I told them I had a youtube channel and had made a few videos but not proper videos of me as I was not very confident! But when I was younger I loved making little videos with my brother and with friends and putting on a show.

I realised the time had flown by and my mum was waiting for us to drop us back home! And the boys said bye to Emily as she quickly went to the toilets.

'Bye Rachel! It was really nice meeting you! And will hopefully see you again soon!' Beau commented

'Bye beau! It was amazing meeting you! Thank you!' I replied

Luke waved to me so I waved back.

I looked to beau as I was walking out... and he winked to me! Omg my heart started beating like 100x faster! I knew this was so surreal, no one would believe me!

A dream? (a beau brooks fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now