Getting ready

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A/N Hey sorry for such a long wait but I have decided to try and continue with this story and maybe even write a sequel. Thank you for all the comments :) and I would appreciate any further comments or suggestions.
Again, sorry for such a long wait before an update.

I glared at the clock
Just 20minutes left until school finished and until my date with beau.

I copied down all the notes on the board as quickly as I could, doing the occasional doodle when I finished.

I turned to Abby as she whispered my name in the middle of class.

'Hey what's up?' I replied
'So I heard you are going out with beau brooks from the janoskians?'
I giggled nervously not sure how to reply but I figured many people already knew due to the picture Luke and Jai posted of us two on Twitter so I told her I was beaus girlfriend.
'That's cool, so i hear Brandon likes you too now' she raised an eyebrow- she was probably also confused how people were starting to notice me in school.
I turned around to the back of the class to see Brandon.  He grinned at me. But no... Brandon... Everyone knows who Brandon is in my school. He's a popular boy that all the girls fancy.
'Brandon... Haha no, I don't think Brandon even knows my name!' I laughed off her comment about Brandon liking me.
'Well things may have changed' she paused and then continued to take notes.
After a few minutes she said 'so isn't beau from Australia? What's going to happen then...'

The question that I knew was coming but had never really thought about.

'Well... Err...' I started
'Erm I don't know. We haven't really discussed it yet' I said honestly

Finally, there goes the bell!

I walked out of lessons and grabbed my bag. I met Emily by her locker as she was not in my last class. We chatted as we walked out of school. She was telling me how she was going to meet up with the boys and Eva(the girl when defended me on Twitter about the hate I got for being with beau).
'Ahw I wish I could join but I'm out with beau tonight but if you are all still around when we are back we could come and meet you' I said

'Yeah sounds good' she replied as she nudged me and looked up at beau who was standing out side of school waiting for me.

I giggled and said 'oh great not the look I really wanted to support the "messy school girl" I at least wanted time to maybe change and do my make up a bit and Errrr take a shower' we both giggled.

I said good bye to Emily and she waved good bye at beau.

I ran up to beau as he held his arms out for a hug. I embraced his walk hug and looked up and smiled at him.  He started into my eyes and kissed me. I could feel him smiling through the kiss and then I heard noises coming from a few people coming out of school. One of my friends Christina in my art class wolf whistled and smiled at me.
I blushed and looked at the floor embarrassed at how some of the school had just seen me make out with beau brooks.
Beau noticed this and lifted my chin up with his thumb to kiss me again.
I laughed and said 'I don't know why you want to kiss me looking like a messy school girl haha'
He smiled and said 'well I think you make a pretty hot "messy school girl" then'
I grabbed his hand as we walked back to my house.
I suddenly remembered the conversation I had with Abby about how beau was from Australia and he sometimes stayed in America. I didn't want to bring it up yet as I saw the smile on his face and how happy we were. 

We got back to my house. I was hoping that no one was in because I never bring boys home and wanted to save the teasing and awkwardness.
To my luck my brother wasn't back yet and my parents were out.
I told beau to wait downstairs so I could quickly get ready. I gave him my laptop and turned on the TV so he could do something while he was waiting.
I ran up stairs and paced up and down my room wondering what to wear. Beau was dressed quite smart with a smart shirt but made casual with jeans.
I knew we were going to a restaurant so i decided I should probably go more dressy than usual. I pulled out a short black dress that came above the knee. I also pulled out a short skater skirt with a coral coloured top. I thought as we were going to quite a smart restaurant I would go with the dress but I paired it with flats to dress it down a little bit.

Next I did my make up. I did some foundation, winged eye liner, mascara and a light pink lipstick.
I glared at my reflection 'right that will do' I thought to myself.

I ran back down to see beau smirking and looking at me.
'Wow' he said and paused for a second
And grinned again
He closed my laptop and let out a little laugh to himself and we walked out the house and drove to the restaurant.

A dream? (a beau brooks fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz