A dream? (a beau brooks fanfiction)

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A/N. Hello everyone!! So this is my first official watt pad


I stared at the clock and sighed. I hate chemistry.

My teacher turned to the whiteboard which signalled for everyone to turn to their friends and whispering.

I glanced at my best friend Emily, who was continuing to lecture me on the amazing time she had at her boyfriends party at the weekend. I nodded trying to come across that I was interested.

*my imagination*

Everyone's attention turns away from the boring chemistry lesson and to the opening door as beau brooks enters. He shuffles his feet and looks down at the floor. He glanced back up as his emerald green eyes get lost into mine

'Hey erm excuse me is it ok if Rachel comes with me' beau announces

'Go ahead!' My chemistry teacher calls!

I smile to myself as I see the jealousy of everyone in my class as I walk out the class room.

*end of imagination*

'Like that would ever happen though, to me, no!' I thought

The sound of the school bell interrupted me from my daydream Finally, I thought to myself, time to go home and relax! The whole class leaped out their seats and ran down the corridors.

My life is pretty predictable.

I'm Rachel by the way, just your average teenager. Light brown hair, blue eyes. Fangirl and janoskianator! I love listening to music and youtube! There's not much else to say about me.

I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked out school with Emily.

'Ill cya tomorrow' I announced as I turned to my house.

'Hi mum I'm back!'

'Hi sweetie how was school'

'Ok' I replied

I swear nothing interesting happens, just my average day.

I ran up the stairs and grabbed my new laptop. I clicked up youtube and went on the janoskians (as per usual) to find a new video, 'public pissing'. I clicked on it and it instantly began to cheer up my day. I love the janoskians.  Beau is my favourite. I liked the video and shared to my twitter and said

'the new video is hilarious I nearly pissed myself watching it!!'

I have to admit I have tried to get the janoskians to notice me on twitter but I never had the time as I live in the UK and they live the other side of the world... Australia! I have sort of given up.

I ran down stairs for dinner and sat down at the table. My older brother Tom was leaving to go to another party. We are pretty much opposites. He gets attention from girls... even my friends! he is always out with his mates and is always doing something different.

I have never really had a proper relationship, I am usually at home on the Internet or out shopping with Emily. Not many guys notice me apart from a few of my brothers mates (who say I'm hot but are probably having a joke).

I picked up my phone after hearing it buzz, seeing a twitter notification. It's probably some janoskianators replying to my tweet about the new janoskian video...

'@brooksbeau: haha good one! Pissing is the aim of the video ;)'

'OMG!' I screeched! I can't believe this is real! I actually had a conversation on twitter, with beau brooks about pissing! He even put a ;) at the end!

A dream? (a beau brooks fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now