Chapter 44 - (2.5K Words)

Start from the beginning

You felt the switch poking at the soft skin of your palm. You took the switch in your fingers and flipped it upwards. You carefully covered your eyes as the entire garage began to illuminate. Without giving your eyes time to adjust, you pushed yourself farther into the garage.

You walked towards the van and paused just in front of it. You carefully slid underneath the vehicle and worked your way back into the hidden hallway. You brought yourself to your feet and grabbed the keys from the pocket of your pants. You fumbled through the keys until you found the one that matched the lock to Jiyong's room. You slid the key into the lock and turned.

You threw the door open, and you looked at the room in confusion. Jiyong was nowhere in sight. The only chair in the cell was empty. The chain around the chair leg had busted, as though somebody had broken it.

Where is he? He couldn't have gotten out by himself, could he?

You stepped into the room, closing the door behind you. You curiously walked closer to the chair to inspect the chain. You stepped forward, but something forced you to go the other way. A hand covered your mouth as you hit the wall to keep you from screaming out in pain.

"Why the hell are you so late?" Jiyong hissed angrily, keeping you pressed up against the wall. "I've been waiting for almost an hour."

What is it with him and me getting slammed against walls?!

"I'm sorry," you sputtered through his fingers, pain stinging through your back. "I just fell asleep, okay?"

"Oh, my bad," he mocked, removing his hand from your mouth. "If I'd have known you'd fallen asleep, I wouldn't have said anything."

"Hey, I'm here, aren't I?" You asked, raising your eyebrow. "How the hell do you know what time it is?"

"When they brought me in, they took everything from me except for my clothes and my watch," Jiyong said, irately pushing himself off of you, rolling up the sleeve of his jacket, and pointing at the watch. "That's how I've been able to keep time. Next question, love?"

"I don't have anything else," you said, shaking your head. "I just--"

"You just what?" Jiyong asked, pulling his sleeve down and turning to look at you. "Is something wrong? I didn't hurt you, did I?"

I just want us to get out of here. Together.

"It's nothing," you said, avoiding his gaze. "We should really--"

"No. What were you going to say to me?" He asked, clearly annoyed that you were avoiding his question. "Did I hurt you?"

"How did you break the chain if all you had on you was your watch?" You asked after a moment of hesitation. Jiyong quietly sighed, but still made an effort in answering your question.

"Well, you see, I was a little bit impatient--eager, if you will. I might have gotten a little bit too excited," Jiyong said, his voice softening as he ran his hand through his already disheveled hair. "Is that all? I'm getting tired of being in here, and I'm ready to leave."

"Okay, then let's go," you awkwardly stuttered, moving towards the door. "We need to be careful. I don't want to be getting caught."

"Why? Aren't they all asleep?" Jiyong asked, placing his hand on top of your shoulder.

"I thought they were," you said over your shoulder. "But I was wrong. I almost got caught on my way down here. I was careless."

You stepped out into the hallway with Jiyong just behind you. You walked to the edge of the hall and paused just in front of the exit. You watched and waited for Jiyong to catch up and stop just beside you. You got down on your knees and got ready to crawl under the van to the other side, but Jiyong stopped you.

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