Good Bye

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"It is time we leave my love."

"Say what?! But we haven't stayed here that long yet. It's only been five months!"

I look down. "I know..."

Jacob my husband raised his brow. "Are you sure? Nala might dislike this since she just gave birth and you're already planning to leave the Pride Lands."

"Yes, I am sure. Nala and I had already agreed and spoken about this before she had given birth. I told her once the cubs got here that I would make my exit."

"Alright, honey! What ever works for you I'll follow."

"Thanks." I smile, nuzzling him with a soft purr.

It's now evening . I figure it is time Jacob and I move on from these beautiful lands and find our own. This pride is too big for us to stay. I'm sure Nala and Simba will understand. Jacob waited for me at the bottom of Pride Rock while I went up to find Simba.

"Simba?" I call.

Simba steps out of the cave. "Yes?"

"It's me, Neera!"

"Oh, hello Neera! What's up?"

I sit down. "I'm leaving..."

Simba looks confused. "What? Now?? But Nala-"

"Yes, now. It's best we travel at night. Nala and I have already spoken about this before she gave birth. She agreed to everything I said. So it shouldn't really be a surprise."

"I know but why so soon? What seems to be the rush??"

"No offense Simba but, you're pride is too big for Jacob and I. We're looking for something less small. We want our own land. Hopefully someday we'll find it."

Simba nodded. "Oh I completely understand. I wish luck for the both of you in finding your own pride."

I smile. "Thank you! Well, I guess this is a goodbye. It was nice seeing you after so many lost years."

"Same to you Neera. You'll always be my friend and welcome here at Pride Rock anytime."

We both hug.

"Oh, make sure you say goodbye to Nala before you go. I think she's still awake!" He said.

I start walking down Pride Rock. "Okay, I will!"

"So how was it?" Jacob ask.

"It was good. He wasn't upset or anything like that. He just wish us the best of luck in finding our home and that I should say goodbye to my sister." I said.

"Yeah, you should. If Simba understands then his wife should too."

"Yeah. Come on, let's see if she's awake!"

Jacob and I both walk to Nala's hidden den where she had gave birth earlier. Before barging in, I call her name to see if she's awake.



Yup, she's awake.

"Good luck!" Jacob whispered to me.

I walk inside the den and see Nala laying down with her small daughter suckling on milk at her side.

"You came for another visit?" Nala asks, happily.

I sat down with my ears hanging low. "No...I came to tell you that I am leaving the Pride Lands..."

"Now?! But Neeeeeeeraaaaa" She whined.

I knew exactly this was going to happen...

"Nala I told you when I first got here that I was going to leave when the cubs got here. Why are you acting all surprised?"

"Because I didn't know you meant literally right after the cubs arrived. It hasn't even been a day yet since my daughter came into the world. Don't you want to spend more time with your niece? You've already missed out on Kiara and Kion growing up. Why miss Maha too?"

I sigh. "Nala it's not like that okay. Don't think that way. I love all my nieces and nephew trust me. It's just..."

Nala frowned. "It's just what Neera?"

"I need to go out, find a home, and maybe someday have my own family too."

"The Pride Lands is your home."

"Your home, your family Nala. Yes, in the past I was born and raised here. But it is time that I move on and start a new chapter. Please understand where I'm coming from! You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. You're my big sister!"

Nala looks down sadly. "I mean, if that's what you truly want then go ahead Neera. I was just so happy to see you again after so many years thinking that you were dead. Now you're about to leave me again. Who knows when will be the next time we see each other again..."

I walk up closer giving Nala a hug. "Don't worry, I'll be back to visit. Simba told me Im always welcome back."

Nala cried. I head bead her trying not to cry as well.

"I love you big sis!" I told her.

"Love you too, please be safe out there and tell Jacob it was nice to meet him."

I nod. I look down at her side seeing little Maha now asleep.

"Oh I'm especially going to miss you too little one." I smile. "Be good!"

I lean down and lick the top of her tiny head.

"Good bye Neera!" Nala smiled.

"Bye Nala..."

With that, I exit the den.

"How did she take it?" Jacob asks.

"Kind of hard. But she'll be okay!" I said.

"Cool. Let's go shall we?"

"We shall."

We made our way down a path that led out of the Pride Lands territory. I am not gonna lie, I'm going to miss my sister Nala. Yes it would have been nice if I lived there. But I had to do what was best for me and my husband. We needed our own space. Meaning our own pride. Nala has all of that already including a beautiful family.

It's time I make my own...

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