Tough Lady

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"Okay, I guess we're all done here for now. All areas are clear of danger. Things seems to be nicely shaped in an orderly fashion. No hyenas in site. I love it!" I say to the Guard Team, while scanning my eyes around the Pride Lands.

"Good. Now can go home and rest?" Said Fuli.

"Yeah, me too." Ono said, yawning.

"Why are you guys so tired?" I asked.

"Think about it Kion. We've been working three whole night shifts without any rest. Then the day time we continue to patrol some more!" Said Beshte.

"Yeah my body feels so weak. I need to lay down!" Said Bunga, falling over on the grass.

I sigh rolling my eyes. "Fine. You guys can take a break. I'll let my father know that these overnight shifts is a bit too much. I'll do them on my own."

"Are you sure Kion?" Fuli asks.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Go ahead all of you and rest."

Ono smiles. "Thank you Kion, I knew you would understand."

The team all left and went to their homes.

Maybe I have been pushing them too hard lately...

I stand on top of a high rock. Cool winds blow through my red mane as I look up at the late morning sky.

"I just want things to be perfect, grandpa Mufasa..."

Colorful leaves fly around me. I smile knowing its grandfather.

"Bibi stop it!"

"Oh come on Aala, you're not going to meet another hot guy like him again. Give it a try. Just apologize!"

My ears twitch. I look over to my left seeing two lionesses argue back and forth. I shake my head. One of them notice me watching and gasp. She duck below the tall grass. The other one waves her paw at me with a friendly smile. I wave back awkwardly.

She then bites the other lioness tail and drag her over towards my way.

Why are they coming over here?

"Hello Prince Kion, my name is Bibi! This here laying on the ground is my big sister Aala." She smiles.

Aala? That name rings a bell.


The second lioness stands up from the ground dusting herself off and smiles shyly. "H-Hi."

I smirk. "Oh yes, I definitely remember you. Your the one that I help kill that buffalo but you got mad at me."

"Look it was a mistake. I felt sorry okay?"


"So do you forgive her, Kion?" Her sister Bibi asks me.

"I been forgave her. I already knew she didn't mean any harm. She was just protecting what was hers which was completely understandable. I should have approached her a bit better. It was really my fault. I take the blame."

Aala looks surprised. Bibi smiles at her.

"See Aala, Kion is a nice guy. There's nothing else to worry about here. My work is done!" Bibi said, who's now leaving going back to Pride Rock.

Aala looks very puzzled. She steps up closer to me and frown. "Why did you do that?"

I chuckle. "Do what?"

"Why did you tell my sister that? You knew it was my fault. I shouldn't have spazz at you like that!"

"Aala it's okay. Things happen for a reason! We were both wrong in the situation. Let's just move pass it. Okay? No hard feelings!"



We both stood there looking around in awkward silence.

I clear my throat. "Soooo, want to go get a drink?"

Aala raise a brow. "A drink? Really??"

"Look it's a yes or a no."


I shake my head laughing leading the way to the waterhole. "You know, you gotta let your tough guard down some around me missy."

She walks beside me. "Sorry, can't do that."

"I'm not a harmful guy."

"Never said you was..."

"Then what's the problem?"

Aala sighs. "Nothing Kion. Can we just hurry up and get to the watering hole?"

Aala speeds up her walking pace getting in front of me. I slowly follow suspiciously. I wonder what's wrong with her. Why doesn't she trust me? Everyone knows I'm the most friendly guy in the pride! I get along with everyone except Kovu at first. But we finally had made a truce.

With Aala it's different...

We arrive at the waterhole. Aala bends down and drink. I stand next to her doing the same thing. We both share quick glances at one another then look away.

Boy, talk about awkward!

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