Letting Go

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I am still laying down in the cave. Everyone's outside enjoying the nice weather while I'm stuck inside here. Simba doesn't allow me to go outside unless I am watched by Neera, Mheetu, or himself. Every since I told him I'm pregnant, he's been more protective than ever.

I have no clue why. He wasn't like this when I was pregnant with both Kiara and Kion. Why now? I constantly tell Simba I can look after myself. But of course being stubborn he says no.


I was about to drift off to a quiet sleep, until I had heard my name being called.

I open my bright blue eyes. "Yes?"

It's Simba and the others back from their hyena search. Simba walks up giving me a head bud.

"How are you, love?"

"Good. Just tired of being in this cave..."

Simba nods. "I know. You know I have no choice but to do this to you Nala. It's for your safety and our new cub. Until we get this hyena situation under control, then I'll let set you free."

I roll my eyes. "Well, can I at least go get some water?"

"Yes. Mheetu can go with you."

"Right over here big sis!" Mheetu says, waving his paw in the air so I can spot him. He's standing behind Kovu.

I get up with a stretch and follow my baby brother out of the cave.

"How ya feel'n?" He asks.

We both walk down Pride Rock side by side.

"Annoyed." I replied, with a frown.

"Oh. How come?"

"Maybe because my husband has gone completely bananas that's how."

Mheetu chuckles. "Nala you know he's only doing this for the new cub. He just doesn't want his family hurt. Hyenas are secretly all over the Pride Lands. Simba is trying his hardest to get rid of them. Until then, you can go where ever you want. We just don't want anything to happen to you while your out alone. Hyenas are sneaky, fast, and stronger in groups. Imagine you by yourself. That would end pretty ugly..."

I thought about it. He's right...

I sigh. "I guess your right."

"Good. So what are you two love birds hoping for?"

"I'm hoping for another girl. Simba doesn't care what the gender is. He's happy regardless."

Mheetu smiles. "Cute! It's feels awesome to be an uncle for the third time. This one I get to watch grow up."

I smile back and chuckle. "Yeah."

We arrive at the waterhole. I lean down sticking out my rough pink tongue to lap up the cool water. After my refreshing drink, I sat down looking around at the animals who are also here.

Some of them greet, "Good afternoon Queen Nala!" While others nod.


"Yes Mheetu?"

Mheetu swish his tail side to side shyly. "Umm, can I ask you something?"

I look over my shoulder at him, patting my paw on the soft grass indicating him to come sit by me. Mheetu comes forward and sat down.

"What is it?" I ask.

He stares down at his paws. "How do you know if a girl likes you?"

My face lights up. Does my brother has a crush on someone?!

"Easy. Eye contact, body posture, attention span, touching, and laughter. Why? Do you like someone Mheetu??"


I smile wide. "Oh my gosh who?!!"

Mheetu laughs at my excitement. "I'm not sure yet if I like her. But I know she likes me."

"What is her name? Is she from Pride Rock??"

"It's Haiba."

I giggle. "I knew it!"

Mheetu looks puzzled. "Wait, how?"

"The way she acts around you. It's pretty obvious dude."


I laugh. "So what are you waiting for? Go after her!"

Mheetu looks down sadly lowering his ears.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm still not over-"


I put a paw on top of Mheetu's. "I know. But sometimes baby bro you have to let go of the past. She's probably some place happy and wish you do the same. She wouldn't want you to continue your life all sad."

"Yeah. I just still felt like I should have stayed there or at least have Zawadi run off with me. I was just so angry at the ones who claimed they're my real parents. I knew if I stayed there I would have turned bad and evil."

"You wouldn't. You have so much good heart."

Mheetu meet his bluish green eyes with my bright blue ones. "Nala, you think Zawadi would ever forgive me?"

I nod. "Yes."


"Now go find Haiba and talk to her. Share her your past. Let her know everything! Relationships are about opening up to each other. Never keep secrets."

"Okay. Thanks!"

We hug each other.

"Ready to go back home?" He asks.

"Yeah. It should be lunch time now."

We both walk back to Pride Rock. Hopefully being Haiba will help Mheetu let go of his past and start a more better brighter good future.

The Lion King 3: Current EventsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang