Clearing Things Up

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I cannot believe it. I ran into Simba! Simba and I go waaaaaay back when we were Cubs. He will always hang out and play with my big sister Nala. They were best friends. Sometimes I would tag along too on their adventures or stay with my mom.

I came back to the Pride Lands to visit. But I had no idea Simba was the new King. I felt bad attackin him like that and his two friends. Embarrassing? I know. We walk up Pride Rock. Every thing still looks pretty much the same. I couldn't wait to reunite with my mom. I missed her so much!

"Nala?" Simba calls.

Simba told me to wait outside while he went inside the cave to get my sister.

"Now Simba, you know I hate surprises." Said a gentle-tone voice.

I look at the cave entrance. Simba steps out first then.....NALA!

"Nala!" I beam.

Nala gasps. "Neera?!"

The two of us run up and hug.

"I cannot believe this!" Nala cries, with tear of joy.

I cry as well. "I know."

Simba stands in the background smiling.

"Where have you been all this time? I thought something happened." Said Nala.

I look over to the side. "It's a long story..."

"Well, you can tell us that later. What matters is that your back home!"

"Yeah. So your the new Pride Lands Queen, huh?"

"Haha, yes I am and a mother too!"

I head bud her. "That's wonderful. I'm proud of ya big sis!"

She head buds me back. We both share a loud purr.

"So, where's mother?" I ask.

Nala looks at Simba then me with sad eyes.

"Uh Neera, mother had died a long time ago..."


"She was old."

I look down at my paws. I was too late...

"Don't worry though. I'm sure she would of been so happy to see that your alive and back in the Pride Lands!" Nala smiled, putting her paw on top of my own.

I nod, returning the smile. "Your right. So where's your children?"

"Kion went with the lion guard team and Kiara is showing our new pride members around the kingdom. They both should be back soon!"

"Oh. Busy duties I see..."

"Yeah. I'm usually hunting at this hour."

"Well, why aren't you?"

Simba clears his throat. I look puzzled for a moment. Nala point at her belly. I look and see a small bump.


"Pregnant again."

"Aaaaah!!" I yell excitedly.

Nala laughs. "Sssshh, keep it down though. I don't want the pride to know just yet."

"Got cha! I am so happy for your and Simba. You guys are truly blessed."

"Thank you."

"There you are Nala!" A said a deep voice.

A male lion joins the scene. He has light tan creamy fur, blue-green eyes like Nala's, and a brown mane.

"Hey, Mheetu!" Nala greets.

"The hunting party wanted to know if you'd like for them to bring you something back."

"Yes, it doesn't matter what."

"Okay." Before he left, he noticed some standing beside Nala.

"Who's this?"

Nala looks at me then the male. "Mheetu, this is our sister Neera."

"Sister?!" He gasp.

"We have a brother?!" I ask confused.

I never knew mother had another...

"So I'm not the youngest?" Mheetu asked.

Nala nod. "You are. Neera is two years older than you."

"How come mother never told me?"

Mother never mentioned me?


"Mother, father I'm back!" Said a female voice.

A lioness comes forward joining the confused scene.

"Mother, who's this?" She asks.

"Kiara, this is your aunt Neera." Nala said.

"Aunt?! Finally!"

Okay, at least someone is happy...

I smile at her. "She has your beauty, Nala and Simba's eyes."

"How come you or daddy never mentioned about me and Kion having an aunt?" She asks.

Here we go again...

Simba steps up. "I see there's a lot of confusion. How about we all discuss-"

Mheetu shook his head. "No, I want to what the story. Might as well tell us now."

Nala and I look at each other.

"I guess I'll go first." Said Nala.

We all sat down.

This is going to be a loooooong story...

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