A Crush

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Kion sat down feeling kind of embarrassed. The lion snicker at him then notice me staring. I quickly turn away clearing my throat. My cheeks turn a nice shade of red. He smirks at me.

Great Vitani, just great...

Simba wave his paw in his face trying to catch the lion's attention.

"Uh, hello there?" Simba said.

The lion look at him then bow. "My apologies, your majesty..."

I giggle. No one heard me though.

"How many are you with?" He ask, concern.

"Just two." The lion replied.

"I'm hoping female."

"No sir, both males."

Simba shook his head. "I'm afraid this will not work. Too many males will cause too much flirting activities with the lionesses and too much stress on the hunting party. Our pride is already crowded enough. Only one of you can join."

"I can't leave my friends. They're like brothers to me." The lion said, a bit sad.

"It's either that or get out of my kingdom." Simba simply said.

The lion look down at his paws thinking.

He nods. "I'll stay."

Simba nodded too. "Okay. My son Kion here will go over the pride and kingdom rules with you. My name is King Simba, welcome to the Pride Lands! Kiara come, your mother and I have a surprise to tell you."

Kiara followed behind her father. I went the opposite direction to where the lionesses are. My friends Jaha and the twins Spotty and Dotty are laying on warm rocks sun bathing. They're from my mother's pride too. We've been friends a long time.

Spotty and Dotty are a few years older than me. Dotty is the lioness my brother Nuka use to have a huge crush on until he died. It broke Dotty's heart that she had to find out after his death. They could've been mates now. It took her a long while to move on.

Jaha, Kovu, and I all share the same exact age. Jaha is my best childhood friend. While Kovu was with mother King training, I would be with Jaha playing outsider games which was always wrestling or fighting. Now we're both young adults, Jaha being the most beautiful out of me and the twins.

Jaha has peach colored fur, colorless paws, salmon colored nose shaped like the outsiders, and Arctic eyes. All the male lions fall in love with her no matter where she goes. But Jaha found no interest yet. Who ever she finds, they're going to be very lucky.

Spotty has spots under her left eye and Dotty has dots under her right. Both of their fur colors are gray except, Dotty is a few shades lighter than her sister Spotty who is dark.

"Oh Tani, your back!" Jaha greets.

I head bud her.

Spotty wakes up from her nap with a yawn. Dotty sits up and smile.

"How was it with the hunting party?Tell us, tell us!" Dotty asks, anxiously.

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