Chapter13: Time to go home

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". . . Force me to do that!"

"Harley!" Kristen yelled when she dashed over there, getting on her knees to reach the minx's level; she held her both shoulder and said, "Stand up."

Joker wrinkled his eye-ridges when he saw the scene. He couldn't believe that there'll be someone out there who could treat his toy as normal as what she used to be.

"You have to go away," Harley whispered when she tilted her head towards Kristen. But instead doing what her patient said, she remained beside her and help her to her her stance.

"I won't leave you here," she whispered back.

"Will you guys stop murmuring?!" Joker groaned. "So I forgot something special, aren't I? My little Harley finally found a friend."

The two women darted their orbs towards the insane man, as Kristen found out that her chest was ready to explode when Joker looked upon her so deeply while grinning.

"Ehem, thank you for taking care of her, Doctor," he said in a deep voice when he inclined his head in salutation to acknowledge her for being so kindhearted.

Kristen froze in her stance for a moment as her the normal beating of her heart became unreadable. She waited for his next move and in her own surprise, she felt strong arm around her waist, pulling her body closer to his.

". . . would you mind coming with me?"

Harley and Kristen's eyes stretched wide after hearing his creepy words— Joker on the other hand, formed his red lips into a huge smile while narrowing his insane eyes.

"Let me go," Kristen muttered nervously with eyes still on his.

"Wrong." Joker shoved her away with force but Harley Quinn caught her falling body.

The area momentarily became silent as Joker just hooked his eyes upon Kristen who was shaking and restless beside Harley. And before the clown could open another conversation, a voice of a male which was deep and calmed suddenly echoed at the said place.

"This time, I'll make sure you'll be locked in here."

They both tilted their heads towards the direction where they hear the voice and in Joker's surprise, it was Batman already in his firm stance and ready to tackle him.

Insane chuckles escaped from his throat when he turned his body toward him, swaying his handgun. "Thanks for reminding me, Bats," he said; eyes still filled with craziness and rage. "But I hope you're wrong about that."

"I hope you're wrong too." Batman sprinted towards him but Joker immediately extended his arm, and started firing him.

"Die now! Stupid intruder!" he yelled as he released another chuckle which became a loud cackle.

Basically, this was another mistake of the clown prince: laughing nonstop, not knowing that the crazy happiness already got him and because of that, he would lose his focus.

"Fuck!" Joker groaned as he felt a stinging pain under his jaw; he almost fall on his knees for losing its balance.

Batman was about to tackle him again, but this time, Joker sprinkled him an acid that made the bats stopped and shifted to the other side.

Where's my stupid goons? Joker thought himself and realizing that Harley— who supposed to be helping him — was just standing there with her so-called friend, looking at him with a soft eyes.

"Damn it Harls! Why the hell you didn't even help me, huh?"

Stupid! Why I came here in the first place? He felt screwed up that made him be in so much fury. Joker gritted his silver teeth and when he's about to shoot Batman again, instead of bullet, a flag with a Bang scribbled on it, had appeared.

"Goddamn it!" he groaned, glaring at his pistol.

"You're done." Batman's voice made him snapped back and in a quick motion, he was slammed so hard against the wall that made his visions blurred; he also felt dizzy as the red and warm liquid escaped from an opened wound.

"Ugh. . . fuck. . ." Joker expressed some agonies as his weight became heavy for him to carry; he slowly slid on the floor, enduring the severe pain on his forehead.

Harley saw what happened; she immediately rushed over his direction and crouched down to reach his level. "Puddin!" she squeak, trying to lift his body. "Puddin you're bleeding!" She saw crimson blood pouring down all over his face nonstop, making her heartbeat to palpitate abnormally.

The female clown gently sat him and rested his back on the wall; she felt sorry for him and nervousness at the same time; guilt started running on her brain when she spotted broken skin which revealed flesh on his forehead.

"Fuck you, get off me!" Joker moaned in a sharp tone as he twitched his face due to severe pain he was feeling; trying to push Harley away from him but he didn't have so much strength to shove her away just like what he usually do .

"He needs help!" Kristen exclaimed when she dashed over them, kneeling down so that she could clearly see his condition. "There's a crack on his forehead Batman! Help us! we need to bring him in the emergency."


A/N:(EDITED) Hi readers! So sorry for the long wait. Thanks for reading anyway. Vote if you like the part. Lovelots⬆

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