Chapter 16

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When they went out the conference room, Mrs. Truitt left the building. She wanted to get started with trying to find a suitable house for the newlyweds. Chad and Candace went into Chad's office. He told Candace to close the door and lock it. Candace said, "baby, why'd you have me lock the door?" "I don't want to be interrupted while I'm taking my wife on my desk." "Baby, aren't there video cameras in here?" "Baby, my office doesn't have them on, until I turn them on. Right now they are off." "When did you do that?" "Baby, I always have them off during the day." "Oh okay." Chad motioned for Candace to come to him. When she walked over to him, she sat on his lap. She put her hands around his neck. She started kissing his neck. "Baby, is this one of your fantasies?"

"Actually, I've done it on the desk before. I have never moved everything and done it." "That's still doing it silly." "Okay, I've done it." "Baby, I better be the only one you do it with for now on." "You will be the only one. I don't have to hide." "Good." When that was said, they got busy on the desk, on the couch, and even in his chair. After they were finished, Candace said, "baby, we need to sterilize your office now." "I know it. We can do it." Candace said, "I can come in tomorrow, and give it a full clean." "Baby, that will be the only time you will be cleaning. We are going to live good. You are a wonderful wife already. I just don't want you wasting away cleaning all day." "Baby, I will be fine. Do you want me to depend on you?" "No, but I would love it if you would lean on me more."

"I will try for you, alright." She kissed him on both cheeks, and then his lips. "Baby, you sure do know how to get me wound up." "I will see you when you get home. Okay?" "I will see you then." He stood up, and walked to the door. He stopped her from walking out. "I'm going to give you a proper kiss."

He grabbed her waist, and pulled her close. He started doing little peck kisses. Then he gave her full kiss. When she went home, Candace was ready for him to come home. She couldn't figure out why she was missing him really bad. She called her mom. She said, "mom, I'm missing Chad, and I just left him a few hours ago." "Baby girl, you are still in the honeymoon phase. You two are going to miss each other and want each other until you get sick of each other. Everything is alright. Just hang in there."

"Thank you mom. I will talk to you later. I got to get dinner started." "Okay, baby. Call me if you need me." "I will. I love you." "I love you too." When they hung up, Candace went in the kitchen and took out two pots. She boiled some rice, and then started making a stew. She cut up carrots, potatoes, celery, tomato, and she put some basil in the pot. She started to let it cook. She made sure the food wasn't up too high. She wanted everything to be ready by the time they ate. Candace went around the kitchen, and cleaned up. She double checked her blog, to see if anything new happened. She realized she hadn't posted a new post. She sat down at the table, and started writing. She mentioned her weeding and how overjoyed she was. She talked about how lucky she feels, and how she is going to get back into her writing.

When Candace was coming out the shower, Chad was walking in. The food was smelling good to him. He gave Candace a kiss. "Hi honey, what are you making?" "It's roast stew with white rice." "That sounds good. I'm starving." "I'm glad you are. Go ahead and take a shower baby. Dinner should be ready in a little bit. They didn't eat until 8. Chad and her talked for about an hour when he got out the shower. They were talking so much, they almost forgot to eat. It was a good thing Candace had the food on low. Candace ran into the kitchen. Chad said, "Is the food burned?" "No, thank God. I'm glad I put it on low while you were in the shower." "Me too." Candace made her and Chad's bowls. When they sat down to eat, Chad held her hand. "Baby, how come you're holding my hand?"

"I'm holding your hand because I am so happy to know you love me. This food smells really good." "I bet it taste good too. Eat baby." "Oh I am. Then I am going to eat you." "Don't I know it." When they got done, Candace washed, and Chad dried. Candace said, "is it me, or is marriage seeming a little too easy?" "I've heard it will change in the next couple of months." "I know. I am just going to enjoy it for right now. We will come to that bridge when we cross it." "That is true. We most definitely will. We could also be the anti and not go through it." "I think as long as we talk to each other, and be as open with each other as we can, we will be fine." "I am with you 100%." Once they were done I the kitchen, Candace turned all the burners off, and put the food on the back too burners to cool off.

"Baby, I believe you are going to be a great wife. You do so well already." "Let's just hope you still feel that way five years down the line." "I may not be able to give you a definite answer right now. I can say I know I will always love you." "I will always love you too. You bring out the best in me." "Now let's see if you still mean that in five years." "We will see then, won't we?" "Yes, most definitely." Candace and Chad went in their room. Before Candace went to lay down, she made sure she bushed her hair. "Baby, how come you're brushing your hair down all of a sudden?" "I haven't been doing it, and my hair is going to end up knotted. I went through it when I was a kid." "I see. If you want, I can help you." "I got it babe, but thanks for asking." She brushed it back fifty times, and laid down.

She scooted to the middle, and Chad just stared at her. "Baby, is there something on my face?" "No, I was just admiring my love." "Baby, you almost had me." "I will always have you. Now, can I please have the honor of making mad passionate love to my wife?" "Yes you can." Candace and Chad turned their lamps off, and got busy. They went for three rounds. While they were laying in bed, Candace said, "baby, I was missing you pretty bad today. I couldn't fathom why. I talked to mom and she told me its because we're still in the honeymoon phase." "I believe your mom is right. I had you on my mind deep today. That's why I wanted to take you when we were at the office." "That certainly does explain a lot." "I bet it does." Candace turned so her back was touching Chad's body, and they went to sleep.

Candace was just dreaming about how much love they would make. Chad was dreaming about them at the Caribbean. He wanted to take her back when he got the chance. As the months went on, there were months where Chad would be gone, off on business trips. He would be traveling to China, Australia, and Dubai for deals. During these times, he would be missing Candace. He would call, and text her everyday. He wanted her to know how much he loved and missed her. During the months of him being gone, they would Skype each other at night. They would talk on the phone for as long as they could. Candace would tell him about her new stories. Chad would be telling her about how beautiful the country was, and how the people are. They would fill each other in on the works of life.

One Thursday, Candace was just sitting at home. She was waiting for Mrs. Truitt to call. Mrs. Truitt had found a couple of houses she thought was suitable for them. While Candace was in the kitchen, she saw the doorknob move. At first instinct she picked up an umbrella. She turned it to the side of the medal. When she saw Chad, she dropped the umbrella. She jumped into his arms and held on really tight. Chad hadn't even put his bags down yet. When Chad tried to put his bags down, he could barely move. "Baby, I can't put my stuff down." "Oh, sorry. I really missed you." She hopped off, and helped him with his bags. When they were done, Candace said, "baby, I'm going to let you get a shower and relax. I know it was a long trip." "It was, but I know we got to meet Mrs. Truitt." "I'm actually waiting for her to call me."

"I'm going to go in the shower, and then we can relax and wait." "Alright. That's fine by me. I'm happy your home. It's been lonely." "I know what you mean." While Chad was in the shower, Candace went back in the kitchen. She wanted to get dinner started now that he was home. Candace thought, "everything is going to go back to normal now. My husband is home, and nothing bad has happened." Candace decided to make Fettuccini Alfredo. While the food was cooking, Candace cleaned up, and washed her hands.

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