Chapter 13

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The next day Chad and Candace went to see Mrs. Johnson. When Mrs. Johnson saw Candace she was overjoyed. She was very excited. She said, "baby girl, you were my best neighbor. Is he why you left over here?" "Yes. Mrs. Johnson, I would like to meet Chad Ventura. He is the CEO at The Big Coffee building here in San Francisco." Mrs. Johnson said, "that's great. You got yourself a successful man. Come on in, and sit down. Candace, you know you don't have to stand." "That is one thing you always used to tell me." Candace and Chad went and sat on the couch.

Mrs. Johnson said, "so what brings you by to see an old couple like us?" Chad said, "well, Candace has told me a lot about you. She is very nervous about marrying me. She thought if she came to you, she might feel a little better." Mr. Johnson said, "that's an easy fix for us guys. We just love her all good, and she will be okay." Chad started laughing. Mrs. Johnson said, "Tommy, we are women we aren't wired that way." Mr. Johnson said, "ah, you just need some more pep in your step." Mrs. Johnson said, "you are wrong. You just need to sit down, and explain why you are so nervous."

Candace turned to Chad said, "I'm nervous because I don't what is going to happen to us. I don't want to end up divorced and alone in misery like the people in my family. I want to know for sure we love each other, and nothing is going to tear us apart. Of course we aren't always promised tomorrow. I'm surprised I was actually able to keep you this long. You don't know how much you mean to me. I am so worried you are going to leave me, and switch me out for someone better." "Baby, listen to me clearly. That is never going to happen. I love you to death already.

Do you really think I would have went through all that time of missing you when I was with all those other women, to get you back and then dump you. I would be a jackass. That's not me. I'm not doing that. You will always be my woman regardless. You will always be my Ce Ce. I love you, and there is nothing that is going to change that. I don't know what I have to do to make you get that." All of a sudden, Mr. Johnson said, "you could sex her brains out." Mrs. Johnson said, "baby, hush all that foolishness. That isn't going to help."

Chad said, "I got an idea. How about we go away for the weekend? We can go to my place in the Caribbean. It's a nice place to relax, and near the water and everything. I can contact Jerry, and let him set it up. I can also turn my phone off, and it will just be us. How does that sound?" "It sounds so good. I think it will be lovely." Mrs. Johnson said, "well then it's settled. You kids better get over there soon. First, Candace come with me to the kitchen. I want to share something with you." "Okay." Candace followed Mrs. Johnson into the kitchen.

Mrs. Johnson said, "baby, when you go there, let it all go. Talk to him, let him know your thoughts. Allow him to feel what you feel. You two seem so perfect for each other. I know how you are though. I want you to love him hard. Just make sure you use protection. You don't want babies early do you?" "Mrs. Johnson, I'm getting ready to be 31. I think now would be the time to do it." Mrs. Johnson smiled. "Baby girl, you are going to be one strong mother. Just keep calm and learn to trust your man. After all, when you get married, it will be you and him for the rest of your life."

"I understand Mrs. Johnson." Candace gave her a hug, and squeezed really tight. When they released, they went back into the living room. Mr. Johnson said, "hey you, remember what I said about sexing her brains out." Chad started laughing. They said their good byes and headed to the car. When they got to the car, Chad drove. They drove to the office, and they went inside. Chad showed her around, and where his office was. When the employees saw him, they started moving to their seats. Chad said, "that shows you who was working, and who wasn't."

When they got to his office, he called Jerry in. "Yes sir?" "Jerry, I am taking Candace away for the weekend. Can you take care of the arrangements for me. We're going to my place in the Caribbean. I'm also not going to have my phone on. You are in charge until I get back. Which is really only a day. I need you on full alert." "Yes sir. I understand." Chad stood up, and walked out into where his employees were. He said, "From now to tomorrow, Jerry will be in charge. He will be alerting me if anything goes wrong. I expect for the work to be done, and no dilly dallying. You know what I expect."

He turned around, and walked back into the office. "Are you ready to go?" "I'm ready when you are." "Alright. Let's go." She walked over to him, he took her arm, and they walked out the building. When they got in the car, they went off to the apartment. Chad said, "baby, I also have something I should tell you. I have drivers and cars too. This isn't the only place I live." "I figured that. Baby, I know what a CEO has. I really don't care about the accessories. I knew you before all of it, and I know you now. I can care less about the stuff." "That's why I love you."

"I love you too." They went upstairs, and gathered up their clothes to pack, and put them in suitcases. All of a sudden there was a knock at the door. It was Chad's driver Felix. "Sir, are you ready to go?" "I am, and I would like you to help carry the luggage please if you will." "No problem sir." Felix helped them load the bags, and Chad locked up. Candace waited for him, and they all left to the car. When they got to the car, Felix took them to the airport. They got on Chad's private plane. When they were on the plane, Candace scooted closer to Chad, and went to sleep.

When they got to the island, Chad already had a car ready to take them to the beach house. When they got to the house, Chad took Candace inside. He showed her where everything was. They put their luggage in their room. While they were doing that, Candace said, "babe, did you turn your phone off already?" "No, I need to though." He took his phone out of his pocket, and turned it off. He put it on his nightstand. He walked to the other side of the bed where Candace was, and kissed the back of her neck. Candace closed her eyes, and she started to relax.

Chad said, "baby, are you alright?" "Yes, I'm fine. I'm soaking in this moment." Chad said, "I am going to make sure you love this weekend. We can swimming, chill here, do whatever you want to do." "Can we sit and talk first?" "Of course. You can always talk to me." Chad plopped on the bed, and Candace sat beside him. "Baby, I love you, and that means all of you. I know I have been hesitant about a lot of things. I want you to know I am trying. I am hoping when we get married, I will be even calmer. When we went to see Mrs. Johnson and her husband today, I felt so good.

She is someone I truly look up to. She made me really think about the course of our relationship. We have bee through so much together and I wouldn't change a thing. I love you and I always will. I don't want you to think I'm closing off from you. I'm just trying to find my place with you." "I know where your place is with me." "Where's that?" "With me silly. Ce Ce, I notice everything about you. That's why I want to make sure you are well cared for, and loved. I don't want you falling apart in front of me. I'm going to want to put you back together again."

"Would you really?" "Yes, and do you know why?" "No, why?" "It's because I can't have my girlfriend falling into pieces. I want you to know I love you, and I will do anything for you." "Aw, you're so sweet." She got him by his cheeks, and kissed him. When she let up, Chad said, "oh no you don't. You're mine now baby. We are going to make love until you start loving yourself again." "Quoting Ne-Yo are we?" "Hey, it's an excellent verse for this." Candace started laughing. He grabbed her feet, and laid her in the middle of the bed.

He took his shirt off, and started kissing her down her neck. He put tiny little kisses all over her face. Chad took his time as he was making love to Candace. He wanted to really soak in the moment. He wanted her to enjoy every moment of pleasure he was giving her. He wanted her to really feel his touch. As he was moving down her body, he kept watch of her facial expressions. She was ready for him. Candace was looking at him with great passion. She wanted to feel the moment through and through. As Chad got closer to her sex, she was feeling it.

She started to ease herself to relax. As he went in, she could feel him. She was happy having him in her. She loved the way his tongue moved in and out with such enthusiasm. She was happy, Chad was the one feeling her up, and making her reach full serenity. They were at it for three hours. They went back and forth with each other. Chad and Candace were just savoring the moment. Candace kept thinking about when Mrs. Johnson said to love him hard. As Candace was kissing him, and sucking, licking, and riding him, she wanted him to really embrace what she was doing.

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