Chapter 10

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Candace was so busy writing, she didn't hear Chad leave the room. When Chad left the room, he went in the room, and fixed the bed. He came out, and made himself something to eat. He made himself some popcorn. When it was done, he went in the living room. He sat down and started watching TV. He started watching, "Gone with the Wind." He had read the book, and thought the movie might be as equally interesting. When Candace came out from writing, Chad said, "Baby, how's the writing coming?" "It's coming along great. I have found my new inspiration." "May I ask what it is?" "You may. It's us." "What do you mean?" "I mean I am very inspired by what you and me have. I like knowing I am in a safe environment with someone who actually cares enough to show me affection." "That's great baby."

"It is. I hope you will read it when I'm done. Please tell me what you think about it." "If you want me to, I will." "Keep in mind, I want you to be completely honest with me." "I can do that no problem." Candace walked over to him, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm going to write more chapter for the night. Then I will come in here with you." "That's fine by me. Can I get a kiss before you go?" "Oh you want some sugar?" "Yes I do." Candace gave him a kiss, and walked back in the room. Candace came out the room at 10:43. Chad said, "baby, are you finished?" "I am done with that chapter. I will do three more tomorrow." "That's a good idea you've got." "Thank you. I figured if I do three chapters a day, I can complete the story in no time." "I believe you are right."

"I am going to make a schedule. That way I have time for everything." "You are really bright." "Well thank you babe." Candace sat down and continued watching the movie. As the days went on, Candace was close to finishing her book. She started proof reading it. Before she started rewriting it, she wanted to show it to Chad. When she went to show it to him, he wasn't home yet. She checked her phone to see what time it was. It was going on 9. She thought, "That's weird, he's always home by this time." She called the office to see if he was still there. She got to his assistant. He said, "No, he actually left a while ago." "Thank you." When Candace got off the phone with him, she dialed Chad's cell number. He didn't answer. She started to get worried. All of a sudden the house phone rings.

Mean while, Chad is laying up in a hospital bed. He was hit by a drunk driver on the way to the house. When he woke up, he started asking about Candace. He had one of the nurses call her. When Candace answered the phone, she said, "hello." The nurse, Miss. Sanchez said, "Hi, is this Candace?" "Yes this is, may I help you with something?" "Your boyfriend Chad Ventura was in a car accident. He is here at UCSF Medical Center in room 112." Candace said, "okay, I'm coming." Candace got in her car, and looked up UCSF on her GPS.

When she got the directions, she started driving there. When she got there, she asked the receptionist, which way to room 112. Once the woman showed her, Candace headed down the hallway. When she got to his room, all she could do was put her hand over her mouth. Chad was laying in the bed all banged up. He looked at her, said, "baby, I'm so glad you came." "I'm happy you are alive. I don't know what would happen to me if you had died." "Don't think about that. Come sit by me." Candace was shocked he was able to talk so good, with all those wires hooked up to him.

Chad said, "I woke up in here. Stupid people shouldn't be on the road. Candace and the nurse started laughing. The nurse introduced herself to Candace. Candace told her thank you for watching over Chad. When the nurse left the room, Candace sat by Chad. She clasped her hand with his. She said, "baby, I am going to try not to be so self absorbed in what I got going on. I want you to be okay." "Baby, I am fine. I'm still breathing right. Just know I am here. I don't care if I am banged up and torn up right now. I am going to try to always be here for you."

"Baby, those are marriage words." "They are, and I mean every word." Candace leaned over the bed, and gave him a kiss. Chad said, "now that feel good. I was trying to get home to you, when I got hit. I had the right of way, and here this stupid idiot comes running into ongoing traffic." "I'm glad you are here with me. I love you so very much." "I love you too. I want you to always remember that." "I will. I was so worried about you. I even called the office to see if you were there. Your assistant said you had left a while ago." "I left around 5. As a matter of fact, can you get my phone, and call him." "I'll call him."

When Candace called him, his assistant, Jerry said, "Yes sir?" "Hi, Jerry, this is Candace again. Chad wanted me to call you. He wanted to ask you something." Candace put the phone by Chad's ear. Chad said, "Jerry, I need you to come to UCSF Medical Center. I'm in room 112. Get here quick." Candace hung up when she knew Jerry was off. Within the next 30 minutes Jerry was standing by the door. "Sir, you look awful. What happened?" "I was hit by a stupid idiot on the way home. I can't leave. I need you to get all my files and bring them to me."

"Babe, you shouldn't be working. You need to rest." "I understand that. I can't just take off like that. I got to work." "Boss, if I may speak?" "You can." "What if I bring them to the house over the week, and we go over them. That way you can still work, and get the rest that you need." "Would you be willing to do that?" "Sir, I don't mind. I will explain it to Mrs. , when I get home." "If you think you can do it." "I can do it sir. No problem." Candace said, "thank you, Jerry. I really do appreciate you doing this." "No problem ma'am. Seeing him happy, and actually getting some rest is thanks to from me to you. You keep him grounded and I like it on him."

With that said, Jerry left the room. He went back to the office. He gathered up all the files he could. He loaded them up in his car, and drove back to the hospital. When he got back, they were still there. Candace said, "they are going to keep him over night. You can go ahead home." Jerry left the files with Candace and went home. Chad was passed out, laying still. Candace was wondering what Chad was thinking. All of a sudden, she saw a smile come across his face. While Candace was steady wondering, Chad was dreaming. He was dreaming about his life in the future.

He was picturing being on the beach, with a bottle of scotch, laying in the sun beside Candace getting a tan. Candace positioned herself in the chair, so she could fall asleep. By 4:30 in the morning, Candace was asleep. She was dreaming about being home in her bed, and being relaxed. When she got up, Chad was still sleeping. She didn't wake up until 12:09pm. When she got up, she stood up and stretched. She went asked one of the nurses if they thought Chad was ready to go home. One nurse said, "I believe he is. When he wakes up, we will check his vital signs, and I will ask the doctor." "Alright, thank you."

When Candace went back in the room with Chad, she saw that he was awake. She said, "good afternoon sleep head. How are you feeling?" "I'm feeling a little better. How are you doing?" "I'm alright. Why are you worried about me, when you're the one who's hurt?" "I know you would be tearing yourself apart about it, because you weren't with me. You were worrying about where I was." "I was worried, but you are here now. Things are going to be okay." "I just can't believe I left you wondering how I was doing, and worrying about where I was."

"Baby, I understand where you are coming from. I don't want you to constantly think about it." "Well too late. I am going to think about it. What happens if next time I am not so lucky? You wouldn't have me, and you wouldn't get anything because I am just your boyfriend. You wouldn't have anyone to console you." "Baby, don't think like that. I know you are safe. I'm usually the one that thinks about the consequences and all the bad." "I know. It's just this accident has me really shaken up. I don't what would happen if you were in this situation."

"I would be in this bed, telling you everything is going to be okay. I would tell you how much I love you. I would tell you this isn't the end of the world. I would tell you that this is just a minor set back in our plan of life together." "See, you have it put all together. I'm not like that. I feel all the emotion." "Baby, I'm not saying I don't feel the emotion. I'm just saying I would try to make you feel better about the whole situation. I love you very deeply, and I wouldn't want you beating yourself up, like you are doing right now." "Baby, I can be sensitive. I'm just made that way." "I understand that. Believe me."

"How do I know that you understand?" "Baby, do you know why I don't talk about my dad?" "No, I just figured you guys don't speak." "That's not why. My dad died in a car accident." "I'm sorry baby. I didn't know that." "Yeah, well it's not something I mention. He passed when I was 23. I loved my dad, and I wasn't with him. My mom almost died then too. I could of lost both my parents. I'm glad I still have my mom. I don't want you feeling sorry for me. I don't want you thinking your life is over either." "Baby, I just don't want you to ever be without me."

"Baby, I am not going to be without you. Every time I wake up, just having you beside me, or washing your clothes, or making dinner for you, I know you are with me. God forbid if something were to happen to me, I know I would still have you with me. Do you know why?" "No, why?" "It would be because every where I went in the house, I would still feel your presence. I would know you are watching over me. I would know that you are in my heart. I would understand that even though you are out of sight, you will never be forgotten from me."

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