Chapter 5

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"I will give you the time to think about it. I am going to go to work. I will talk to you later." "Okay babe." They kissed as Chad walked out the door. When he was in the car, all he could think about the whole way to the office was what Candace was thinking. As the day went on, around 2:19, Chad sent Candace a text. He wanted to see if she had already decided on what she was going to do. When he called her, Candace said, "baby, I want to tell you in person. I want to see your reaction." "Am I going to be really upset?" "No, I think you will be very pleased with me."

"Well, then I know what your answer is." When Chad got to her apartment after work, he was already smiling. Chad put his briefcase down, and sat on the couch. When she came from the kitchen, she gave him a hug and kiss. "Baby, are you going to move in with me." "Yes, I will move in with you." Chad picked her up and spun her around. He slid her down and started kissing her. As they were kissing, they leaned against the wall. As they were against the wall, they were making out hard. She said, "baby, we are too much." "Yes, but we are with each other and that's all that counts."

When they were finished, Chad started helping Candace pack up her stuff. "Baby, you can stay with me at my place. We can come back and get more stuff to help you pack." "I love you." "I know you do. Tonight I am going to make sure you know how much I love you. We are going to have a candle light dinner and enjoy each other." "How is that going to happen?" "It's going to happen because I am going to make it happen." Candace got a night bag packed and her and Chad headed out the door. While she was typing out a letter to her landlord, Chad was busy driving.

When they got the apartment, Candace had finished the email. "Baby, we need to discuss what is going to happen with us. I know you said you will wait for me, but we need to start thinking about all the things which come before that." "Well, I think we can actually work it out." "I know we can work it out. I understand it's not all going to happen in one night. I just want you to understand I will be wanting you to actually talk to me." "Baby, just because we lost contact it didn't mean I didn't want to talk to you. I really do care about you."

"There are people who will say that, and don't mean it." When they got in the apartment, Candace put her stuff down. Chad started setting up for their special dinner. While he is setting up for their meal, Candace was getting all dressed up. She wanted to look good for Chad. She knew he liked the short silk dress she had. She put the dress on, with a little light make-up. She was feeling really great. When Chad told her he was ready, she came out the bathroom. "You look stunning." "Thank you." As Chad pulled out her chair, she sat down. He walked around the table, and sat down.

They were back to sitting across from each other. "Baby, this is pretty romantic. I like that you thought about turning the lights off." "I wanted it to be special for you." "I told you. I really do care about you." "As they were talking, Chad got up, and checked on the lasagna he had in the oven. When he turned off the oven, he went made plates for him and her. Him and Candace continued eating and talking. They talked about how their day went. Candace told him about how she read more of the journal. "Baby, I'm afraid that with you reading this journal, you are going to get paranoid."

"I'm not going to get paranoid. I just wanted to share with you what I learned." "Baby, guys do have feelings too. It may not be right for us to share them, but we do have our moments." As they wrapped up dinner, they put the rest of the food in the refrigerator. Chad and Candace went and sat in the living room. When they were sitting on the couch, Candace started telling him about what she discovered about herself. Chad said, "honey, do you really think I would be with you, if you weren't who you are." "I don't know. I'm not in your head. I can't tell what you are thinking."

"I am very happy with you. I wouldn't change anything about you. You were always the one who thought something was wrong with you." "I just thought the things I was doing, I was doing too much of it." "Baby, did I ever say anything?" "No, it was always me." "Yes, listen to what you just said. You were always the one with the negative thoughts." "I guess I still need to work on that." "Well, my job is just to love you the right way. I want yo to know that I'm not going to hurt you. I liked when you would text and call me before bed. Those were my favorite times for when you called."

"I didn't know that." Candace put her legs up on the couch. "Baby, we just have to get back into learning about each other. I really want to show you how much I adore you." "I will try not to get all salty. I just have those moments." "Everyone has those moments. They are common." "I just hate that I could end up like those stereotype girlfriends. I don't want you to resent me." "Baby, you haven't done anything for me to resent you. I love you, and even though you may seem crazy, that's one of the things I love about you." "Having someone who accepts you for all you are, is something everyone in the world actually wants."

"Baby, you are very smart. There were times when I would want to know how you got so smart to be someone so young." "It's simple, I paid attention to the people around me, and to my teachers when they were talking." "I'm glad you paid attention. I love you. I like that you are smart. You give me someone to talk to. You actually don't look at me like I'm crazy." "Baby, I try to get into what you are into. That way we can meet in the middle. I love you. You make me feel stronger. When we motivate each other, it works for us."

"Baby, it's because we have great communication." As they were wrapping up their conversation, they stood up. Candace went and got out her stuff to take a shower. She went in the bathroom. Chad was right behind her. "Baby, I think I am going to like being with you. I know I already like taking showers with you. I think it's because I just like being with you." "I like being with you too. I like knowing I have you for support. You make me feel useful. I am happy to know you want to give us another try." "I didn't have anything against us in the first place. We just had two different ideas of where the world was going to take us."

"That's true. I just want you to know how much I have appreciated everything you did for me. You taught me all women don't just give it up." "The women that just give it up no matter what don't really care. Before you say it, the only reason I gave it to you in the elevator was because I wanted to show you I still have genuine feelings and attraction to you." "I could tell by how wet you were for me." "I haven't gotten wet that quickly since we were together. It seems you are the only guy who has been able to do it." "That means we have something between us."

"No dip Sherlock" They started laughing. As the night went on, they had fallen asleep. They went to sleep feeling better. They had started getting to the core of why they chose to be back together. As the weeks go on, Candace has moved into Chad's place. She gave her landlord last month's rent and paid everything off. When she moved with Chad she felt happy. She was getting the feeling of being safe. Chad was always there. During the day, she would be posting up on her blog. They had fallen into having a routine. Chad and Candace were very happy.

They had even found time to have date night once a month. Chad and Candace were getting better at finding out things about the other. Candace started writing her own book. She thought about turning her old journals into a big book. She started organizing them to where they could be used. She wanted to tell Chad about the big news. When Chad got home from work that Friday, she told him. "Baby, are you sure you want to do this?" "Yes, I'm sure I want to do it. I want to be able to get my journal to help others. It's a lesson for me. It's also something in which people can relate to."

"That is true. Do you know how many chapters it will be." "I'm not sure. I'm trying to get it organized right now." "Well babe, I'm going to support you. I know how seriously you take your writing. I love that you want to go after something." "Thank you. It means a lot to me. I want you to read it too." "You won't mind me reading it." "No I won't mind it." "Good."

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