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So I was tagged by piptheturtle to answer 29 questions.  Than tag 13 more people. So here goes.

1) single? As a Pringle

2) Crushing? Do celebrities count?

3) favourite food?  Tacos!!!!

4) favourite colour?  Blue, also pastel purple

5) music?  Alternative and Christian

6) band/singer? pentationix, for king and country

7) talents?  Acting, soccer, writing

8) in love? No

9) hobbies?  Writing, reading, fangirling

10) gamer, kinda

11) swag/emo/scene?  Nope

12)  long hair or short hair? Short

13) height?  5ft 4

14) eye colour? Blue and grey

15) hair colour?  Dirty blonde

16) jacket/hoodie?  Hoodie

17) shirt colour? White

18) jeans or shorts? Shorts

19) had or have depression?  No

20) daydreamer?  Yas!

21) thought of food?  All the time

22) someone you love? My friends, my family, Jesus

23) someone you hate? Not really anyone

24) dream job? Actress

25) tattoos?  None

26) piercings? I have earrings

27) worst day of your live?  Idk

28) best day? June 18th 2016

29) biggest fear? Failure I guess

Done! I am tagging











Well I don't have 13 people to tag, sorry.  So I tag anyone else's that reads this that has not already done it.

As a side note I'm sorry I haven't updated this book in a while. Updates are coming!

Merlin Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now