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Warning if have not seen the season finale of season five do not continue reading. Unless you want it to be spoiled for you.

Au where Arthur and Gwaine live and everything ends in a reasonable matter.
Arthur pov

Merlin's happy, he's happier then I've ever seen him. Magic is legal now. Gwaine, Leon, Percival, Merlin and I are riding out to met a Druid camp that's moving into Camelot. Suddenly Merlin yelps we look at him.

"The Druids." He says.

"Something's wrong." He starts to rid faster.

"Merlin!" I yell after him.  "How do you know something's wrong?"

"I can hear them!" He yells back at us. We chase after him.  We're still a few miles away from where the Druids are waiting and by the time we reach the clearing I see what Merlin means. The Druids, there dead.

"Check for survivors." I yell. Merlin almost jumps off his horse but as gracefully As Merlin can jump off a horse.  So it looks more like he tripped  over thin air and some how landed on his feet.

"Arthur there's a note." Merlin says. standing over the body of a girl who looks like so couldn't have been more than 12.  There's an arrow embed in her stomach, her eyes are open and Merlin closes them well he bends down to get the he note that's stuck to the arrow.  

"What's it say?" I ask.

"Dear Arthur I hope you like the surprise I left you, and you realize what a mistake you've made. We were once allies but that's changed know that you've legalized magic in your kingdom. You've started a war. All the sorcerers that we used to squish are now running to your kingdom for protection. This camp is just a little of what my army's can do and you should know that there were no survivors, and won't be in your kingdom either when we've finished with you. I'll give you one chance kill all the petty sorcerers coming your way or your kingdom will fall. I better hear back sunset tomorrow that Arthur Pendragon is know killing all those with  magic or my armies will ride out and kill you and destroy your kingdom.  Your friend, king Axton."

Merlin's grown paler "Arthur what are you going to do?"

"Magics legal and it's staying that way.  As much as I hate it.  It seems like we cannot reason with Axton.  We must rid back to Camelot at once, and prepare for a war."

Thanks for reading!
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Until next time gooodbyee.

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