Chapter 15

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Over the next few weeks things ha she come difficult. It was hard for Lizzie the Angel to get away to see Izrak.

She hated still meeting in secret. She wanted desperately to tell everyone that they were seeing each other.. She couldn't stand be secretive with her sister or the rest of her species.

She could only wonder what was going in Izrak's head. They both agreed they need to keep this secret.. Otherwise Everything would come out.

Everything about Izrak's brother killing that innocent.. And that Izrak was protecting him. But most importantly that Izrak wasn't the culprit after all.

All this of course would cause anarchy and uproar between the two species.

But she couldn't stand it anymore. She spoke to one of her lieutenants who of course was an angel like herself. "Tell my sister to come home.. I need a private chat with her alone."

The Angel nodded and bowed, swiftly carrying off her orders.

Lizzie flies home and stands waiting in the kitchen.

It wasn't long before her sister arrived.

Her sister stood before her in an angry stance with her arms crossed. "What do you want?.. We have better things to do?."

Lizzie rolls her eyes sarcastically. "Oh I'm sorry am I keeping you from something?."

Her sister nodded. "Actually yes.. Me and the other Angels have been discussing what to do about that traitor Izrak."

Lizzie growled. "What?! Without me?."

Her sister nodded with a smile.

Lizzie took a deep breath. "Actually Izrak is why I called you here.. It's about time I told you the truth.."

Her sister frowned at her. "What?.. What do you mean?."

Lizzie sighs. "I lied to you.. It wasn't Izrak but his brother.."

Her sister frowned struggling to take it in.. "I don't understand.. Why are you telling me this now?."

Lizzie shrugged. "Because your my sister and because I'm seeing him."

Her sister chuckled. "We all know that you have regular meetings with him because of the peace treaty and all that."

Lizzie frowned seriously. "No I mean.. Really seeing him.. I slept with him the other night."

Finally it sunk in and she went ballistic. She threw tables and chairs and flew out of the house.

Lizzie stares at the mess and stares outside. "I'm so sorry Irzak but I had to.. I couldn't stand lying anymore.."

She thinks to herself that perhaps it was a mistake and she shouldn't have done that. But she knows that the damage is done..

There was no turning back now..

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