Chapter 11

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Lizzie sits alone sitting on a bit of grass staring at the bright blue sky.

She starts to think about the day that they made the agreement.

She imagined them being friendly and everything was fine.. Both sides had found a balance and perhaps maybe even love.

She brushed that thought aside. "Not like that will ever happen."

She sighs wondering what to do. She didn't really want to go back to the other Angels because by now both Angels and Demons will be choosing sides.

Some of them were even considering standing side by side each other.
Regardless of whether they were an Angel or Demon.

She looked up and saw a Demon with black wings flying down to her. It was of course Izrak.
"There you are.. Everyone's worried about you."

Lizzie snorts. "I doubt that very much.. I'm a rubbish leader.. I can't even stop a war."

He pulled her up by her hands. "Nonsense!.. You tried and that's the main thing."

She shook her head. "Well I didn't try hard enough did I?."

He looked at her worriedly. He needed to bring her out of this woe is me phase before things got any worse. "Tell you what.. Let them sort it out for themselves for a change.. Why don't we relax like humans for the day maybe have a cheeky drink or two?."

Lizzie looked at him. "Is this your cheeky unflattering way of asking me out on a date?."

He grins. "So is that a yes?."

Lizzie nodded. "In that case then, Why not?.. It's not like things could get any worse."

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