Chapter Two: The beginning of time

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It was 1066.. An important date for history and for humans itself.
Why?.. Because there was a war going on.. They called it The Battle of Hastings.

While all this male ego was going on.. Little did they notice a shooting star rising over the war itself in the night sky.

But it wasn't a star.. To you guys I suppose we could call it a spaceship but  the difference being that the occupants were not aliens.

They might be to you but they were in fact Angels..

Angels that answered to a higher power..
You've heard of God haven't you?.. Or rather his name Jesus Christ?..

Well forget about him for a start.. The Angels answer to the real God.. Jesus Christ's father.
Technically Jesus didn't exist yet.. But we have bigger problems than that at the moment.

Unfortunately at the same time as the Angels arrival, There were other beings being transported down to earth.

They were of course.. The Demon's. The difference being, They too answered to a higher power... An evil kind of higher power.

It was of course the Devil.

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