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The next morning the preparations were on full swing  since a day was left for the wedding. Fab 4 was preoccupied with their various tasks. They were double-checking every every preparation because they wanted this wedding to be flawless for their good friend.

Nandini was too preoccupied with Granny's discussion about the entry and all the necessary goods that pandit ji would require for the marriage rituals. While the bride and groom were grooming or blushing. Aryaman was also busy preparing meals for all of the guests as well as floral decorations for the brilliant mandap that was to be set up.

Nandini and the other girls had been seeing for a long time that the boys were not interacting with them or fighting with them. Strange, and they were also very busy conversing amongst themselves. Rather than chatting in code or sign language, which the girls couldn't comprehend, they were confirmed about one thing: something was odd.

" girls. Are you guys too sensing something fishy here?" Alya asked as she sipped on her margarita.
" i know right there is definitely somethng fishy." Nandini kept her ipad on the table as she picked her glass.
" i don't sense anything." navya was too naive to understand anything, that was for sure.
" you always think everything is fine Navya. But i am damn sure something is wrong here." Mukti side-eyed her fiance as she too agreed to the toher two girls.
" even Manik haven't talked to me since morning. No flirting nothing." Nandini sipped on her drink, lost in her confused state of mind unaware of the words she just spilled out.
" aww you are missing it." and that was Alya's cue to tease her.
" no i am just saying that it is very wierd and very unusual of him." Nandini shrugged her shoulders in response, knowing very well there was no point trying to get out of this one.
" look at that." all of a sudden navya pointed to the opposite direction.
" what?" the other 3 girls snapped their heads together in sync.
" Aryaman is signaling everyone something." Navya's brow furrowed in deep thought.
" why are they nodding their heads in union. We have to find out now." Alya pretended to look around when she saw one of Rajat's friend looking towards them.
" why are they going upstairs now?." Nandini spoke in hushed tones as the boys walked past them towards the stairs, Manik was the last one to climb so Nandini walked behind him as she called out to him.
" umm yes Nandini." he faced her with a smile.
" you're fine right?" she asked him since to her his smile looked as fake her rivals vocal.
"Yeah ofcourse. Should something be wrong?" he counter questioned.
" nope okay. But where are you going?" asked Nandini.
" me? I am actually- i forgot my phone upstairs going to get that." and that is when she knew there was something cooking up, a flat white lie.
" you sure?" she gave him another chance to accept the truth but Manik wasn't that easy to crack under pressure.
" yes i am. Now if you are done with your investigation can i leave now." and with that the old fierce Manik was back.
" ok go."  Manik went up running while Nandini messaged the girls.

Gonna figure out their plan soon. wish me luck. - NANDINI

All the best girl. get em'. - ALYA

Take care and please don't do something dumb. - NAVYA

Shut up Navya! Babes you got it. - MUKTI

Nandini walked up the stairs slowly and very steadily in order to not alert them but ended up being confused at the corridor. She had no idea what direction they took from here.
" How would i know where they all went!!" she murmured to herself looking around when she heard some whispers through the slightly ajar door of Manik's room.

She walked there discreetly and stood behind the glass, listening in on their talk.
" everything is ready right?" that was definitely cabir's voice followed by some hummings before she heard Aryaman speak up, "It's all set bro."
" what of someone finds out." she could figure out that rajat sounded a little tensed but Manik assured him, " why are you so scared? Damn if you are so scared now what will happen with you after wedding." he said.
" wait for your turn Manik." said the groom.
" forget all of this and just enjoy your bachelor's night." Manik threw a pillow at the guy while Nandini gasped at the term 'bachelor's night'. The boys were planning a bachelor's night for her brother.
" what is the escape plan from girls?" dhruv asked as he played some video gam eon his cell phone.
" relax i have taken care of that. I have told Granny that we have some last time outfit fitting so we'll be going there." Aryaman explained them his set up only to earn a smack on his head by Manik who was clearly not amused by it , "wow such a great plan idiot. who goes for fitting trials so late at night" he said.

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