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Exactly after an hour later , the guys had been waiting for the girls right infront of Nandini's house after they'd parked their jeep. They kept tapping their toes on the ground as they took a glance of their watch every 2 second. The girls had been late again or rather the boys had been quite on time or rather early.
"These girls are going for a one day trip or a long vacation, we can never tell." sighed Dhruv.
" Dude girls are, well eventually girls, hence, they can never change." joked Cabir as he patted Dhruv's shoulder.
" You are right Cabir so from next time we'll atleast leave an hour before." Manik leaned over the car as he fixed his shades. 
" God. I can't wait anymore." Aryaman stood to go check on the girls when Nandini arrived with the gang.
" And you don't need to. Sorry to have kept all of you waiting because the packing took a lot of time." Nandini handed him her duffle bag before she opened the car door.
" Aryaman please keep these bags in car." Alaya too handed her bag to the poor guy as he one by one kept all their luggage in the car before their journey commenced where Cabir , Dhruv , and Mukti sat at the back of the said jeep, while, Alya , Nandini and Navya at the middle seat portion as Manik called shotgun. 

The journey by far now had been pretty silent since everyone was busy by themselves. Navya had found her companion in her book while Alya took the liberty to scroll through her social media accounts on her cell phone. Mukti and Dhruv decided to have their own conversation as Cabir got himself busy in eating. Manik, well the lover boy was busy adorning his eye candy love through the rear view mirror as she kept looking out of the window. 
" Guys i am getting bored. You people are so busy in yourself. " Nandini have had enough of their drama but unfortunately none of them paid any heed to her anger. Aryaman was well aware of his best friend's chatty and bubbly nature which meant she couldn't stay silent for long, hence, he decided to turn on the radio get the party started.
" Nandini isn't this our school jam?" exclaimed Aryaman as he increased the volume.

The song "What Makes You Beautiful" screams through the speakers and both Nandini and Aryaman started singing it along the radio. Watching Nandini smiling whole heartedly, Manik felt alot much happier and at peace that he too joined the duo in their jamming session.

Aryaman pointed towards Alya who was still busy clicking selfies as he sang the verse of 'Don't need make-up to cover up' making Nandini laugh before he stopped the car along the green fields and moved out as the others gave him a confused look.

Aryaman soon enough started dancing on the deserted road along the bankment road while the others eventually joined him in his nuisance. He pulled Nandini to dance along with him who in return grabbed Manik's wrist as she tried to take him out too. Initially Manik was a little hesitant  as he felt awkward acting like a lunatic but Nandini was carefree so she nudged him to tag along making him give up to her craze as he too began dancing while the others also joined them.

An hour more into the journey and some more songs, but this time just jamming inside the car, they all reached safely to their desired spot. A farmhouse situated right in the centre of the green areas with the forests in the rear area. A long pavement leading them to the entrace.
" Guys we are here and this is my farmhouse." Aryaman announced as he stood at the porch facing the others.
" it's beautiful." Alya took her sweet time to adore the place.
" fabulous man. Its amazing." Mukti agreed.
" Thank you so lets get inside." he said as he opened the gate for them to everyone. Everyone moved inside while Nandini was busy looking around in aww since it was the exact same place where she had mostly spent her childhood with Aryaman. Unaware of the rug beneath the feet, she tripped over the entrance and was about to fall as in a reflex she closed her eyes, scared of touching the ground but fortunately she was hanging in the air in seconds as she slowly opened her eyes and saw Manik holding her by her waist protectively.

" Nandini don't get scared i won't ever let anything happen to you. Never. I promise." Manik smiled at her. Hearing Manik's words a hue of red color adorned her cheeks but their cute moment was broken by Cabir.
"Guys come inside. Look its so beautiful." he called them as both, Nandini and Manik entered the house that was fully furnished with kitchen on the right side. And couch on the left just before the stairs. The wall contained pictures of a cute boy with a small girl right by his side as she held his hands with 4 adults standing behind them.

" aww.. Aryaman. Who are these kids? " Alya asked but before Aryaman could say anything, Nandini went ahead towards the picture as she caressed it with her hand.
" these kids are Aryaman and me. And well these two are his parents  and the other two-" she started to say as her voice choked by the end, " My mom and dad." her voice was low and Aryaman knew that she was on the verge of breaking down.

" guys . You all go and freshen up and we'll have the dinner together and i'll be back after work." he changed the topic so as to give his friend some space.
" but Aryaman we'll have just tomorrow to enjoy." Nandini stopped him from leaving.
" Sorry. Nandini but i have to." he apologized before turning to face the caretaker of the house, "please keep their bags in their respective rooms." 
" Yes sir. And Nandini i'll keep your bags in your room." the man said as he picked the luggage.
" But uncle that must be so dirty. " Nandini said as he took her duffle bag from him, not wanting to make the poor guy work too much.
" No kid Aryaman always got it cleaned every week. " The man gave her a small smile while Aryaman tried to escape the situation.
" okay. I need to go see you at dinner." he said before sprinting off the place.
" Even i am very tired." Alya sat on the couch.
" Where is mine and Alya's room?" Mukti asked the man.
" This side. Follow me. " the duo followed the man as Nandini turned to the others.
" Navya you'll stay in my room and Cabir, you and Dhruv at the right one." Nandini informed them.
" oh hello where will i go ?" asked Manik.
" Manik you can take the room that's beside mine. Will that be Fine?" she replied as Manik did a happy dance in his mind since it had been long enough that he had been away from Nandini and he couldn't control it anymore. He wanted to be with Nandini all the time. That was true.

Everyone eventually went to their respective rooms to get freshened up before they got back for dinner. An hour or so later they all got down wearign fresh and comfortable clothes as they got seated at the dining table for dinner.

" guys! So did you like the place? Your rooms?" asked Aryaman.  
" Only if you have time for us, that others will discover the place. Always work work." nandini tanuted him as she focused back on her pasta.
" Nandini he is busy. And we still have tomorrow." Manik defended Aryaman which was kinda wierd for some people.
" but manik-"
" Nandini, out of all the people, you should understand that. He has work and that must have been important. Okay i have a surprise for you after dinner." he said brightening up her mood.
" surprise? Manik what is it? Tell me. Please." Nandini went from being dull to being the most excited at the table.
" have patience my girl." he replied with a grin on his face.

After the dinner, Manik closed Nandini's eyes with his palms as he took her and all the others towards the lawn of the house.
" Manik, what is it? You said you'll tell us after dinner." Nandini whined as he tried not to stumble.
" And i said have patience." Manik took back his hand as Nandini slowly opened her eyes and the scenario in front of her made her mouth drop open.
"how is it? " asked Manik.
"it's beautiful. I love it." and indeed it was as she covered the mouth not being able to belive the sight.
"Dude." Cabir exclaimed.

The whole lawn was covered with fireflies that were shining brightly as they glistened the entire area with their lights.
" Manik dude . It's too good. You know what-" Aryaman exclaimed before Manik completed his sentence as he said, "Nandini loves fireflies."
"how do you know that?" Nandini asked as she faced him.
"You know a heart to heart connection." Manik smirked as he pushed his hands in his jean pocket.
" Manik. So cheesy." Nandini gave his shoulder a light slap as all of them sat down watching the beautiful scenario.

" Dhruv. Brother i am too sleepy lets go." said Cabir as he rubbed his eyes.
"Fien by me." Dhruv helped him get inside so as to not let him fall before Mukti and Alya too joined them on their way to their own room. 
" Even i am sleepy." navya said getting up from her place. 
" good night guys." Aryaman bid them a goodbye before him and Navya left for their rooms.

" They are quite right even i am sleepy right now. " Manik faced Nandini  but found her already sound asleep with her head on his shoulder.
" Nandini i guess you should also get back to your room." he whispered near her ear but got no response.
" Nandini." he tried it again before he leaned forward to remove the hand that clutched his arm with a strong grip while her hair kept falling on her face making her look more cute as the moonlight made her face more angelic. He kept adoring his sleeping beauty until he realised it was quite late. He held her in his arms as he took a sleeping Nandini to her room.

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