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Nandini's car halted at the porch of the mansion as she came out in haste, trying hard to control her tears from falling. Just a few steps more and she'll be in the warm conscience of her oom where the world and the people living in it won't matter. It wasn't that the jounalists's questions hurted her but unfrotunately they did rip off the bandage on an old wound that she's been trying to cover up for a while, for the sake of her ownself and the people who care about her. 
Generally, we've heard people say, 'it's just a hearbreak, get over it. find someone new.' , but unfortunately it isn't that easy as they make it sound like, specially when that one person made you feel alive and in love for the very first time.
She was by the stairs, dropping the jacket off her body in order to make her way to her safe haven when a voice stopped her, the same voice that she wanted to stop her 2 years back but alas the one that didn't.

"How long are you planning of running away from this?" Manik asked, he was done playing dumb with her when clearly this subject needed a confrontation, a confrontation that was long overdue.
"Don't ask questions in subjects where you have no idea what's happening." she tried not to raise her voice at him, putting down the lump in her throat.
"Nandini, no matter how much you try to move on but you can't run away from the past. You know someday we'll have to talk about this. About what happened between us and not just because a bunch of reporters brought it up." he was coming closer by the time she had turned back to look at him.
"You think i haven't tried moving on or concluding this subject?" and there they were the tears, on the very edge of her eyelids.
"I know it was all my mistake. I broke your trust at the very first and then i questioned your character. It was all me and i do want you to blame me, scream at me. Hell, even slap me because i deserve it." she could hear the hoarsity of sadness in his voice too. Like her, he too was holding onto a thin thread.

"You don't get it. Do you? It's not just that Manik, i know it was all your misunderstanding. I've realized it a long time ago and i really wanted to come back but i just couldn't. It was-" Nandini felt her limbs give up as she held onto the soft material of her couch.
"-too hard to face me?  Nandini you should have atleast called me, maybe i could have mended things. I tried alot to find you but no everytime i failed at it." Manik was quick enough to hold out a hand for her to grasp onto but Nandini refused it.
" I almost did Manik. I wanted to get back to you but you haven't known me for long Manik. Your word did break my heart but more than that, it reminded me everything that i've been trying to forget as long as i could remember." and there was it, the hard truth of her very existence. 
With shivering hnds Nandini sat down on the couch putting her face into her palms as a sob escaped her mouth followed by another and then another.

"Nandini! Nandini! Hey, hey just talk to me. I wanna know what it is. I want to take away that pain from you." Manik rushed to her side as he sat down on his knees onto the floor , opposite to her.
"Manik i-" Nandini tried to speak up but the sobs just kept increasing until Manik took her into his embrace soothing her until her breathing was back to normal and he could give her some space.
Nandini's now swollen and red eyes looked at him with soo much that he felt like someone stabbed him in his chest, taking a deep breath, Nandini began to tell him about a secret she hadn't let anyone except the people close to her on, "I've been hearing this painful story since i was a kid Manik. And everytime i try to forget it, it's like that tapes running itself over and over again. My mom and Dad, they were in their 20's when they fell in love with each other, eloped to get married like a good romantic movie until it wasn't a movie anymore, it was all real. My Grandmother helped them because she loved dad and hence always liked mom too until-" Nandini stopped midway to calm her nerves before she continued again.
"My mom's father never understood her, never gave a chance to their love, felt so much hatred for her just because she chose her own path that he refused to call her his own daughter in front of the world. When i was born after an year into their wedding, my mom thought she could get my grandpa back but he still refused to belive her or trust her. He ended up questioning her worth, her dignity to an extent that he called me an illegitimate kid that happened before wed-lock right infront of the entire community. Manik, the character questioning by you just-" before she could speak any further Manik was put his palm over her mouth to interrupt her from saying those filthy words again.

"No please don't say those words ever again. You were never wrong and neither was your mom. It was me in this case who was an asshole and a certified jerk that i let a small bet and my ego take control over myself but believe me Nandini, that day 2 years back, i was on my way to explain it to all my friends that i won't be able to continue with this bet because i fell in love you. Unfortunately the turn of events happened in a way that everything was a disaster." he explained.
"I get it Manik and i do know that i might have overreacted at that point of time." Nandini held his hand to assure him that she wasn't blaming him anymore.
"No, it was my fault. You trusted me, even gave me a second chance after i was such a jerk to you but all i did was miused your trust and ended up hurting yu like that. I am so sorry." Manik apologized holding her hand in a tight grasp.
"Please, stop apologizing. You've already done that more than needed. What happened is in our past now and even i was rude to you."
"You did what i deserved cause i am not capable of your love and respect." Manik refused to ever believe that he could ever get her back like they were.

"Manik?" Nandini's voice was much calmer and maybe relieved this time.
"Yeah?" Manik looked up after a long break as he saw her now wiped out and glistening eyes.
"I want us to go back to how we used to be." she said surprising him with the sudden statement.
"I don't get it. Bakc to? What do you mean?" he asked, not wanting to get his hopes up. 

Nandini stood up while Manik followed her move while she extended her hand towards him.
"Hi, myself Nandini but my friends call me Nanz." she reintroduced herself with a smile, making Manik shake his head in amusement.
"Manik Malhotra, some people used to call me monster a long back ago." he replied with a chuckle, gladly taking her hand into his.
" so Mr Monster would you like to be my friend? Before you even think of rejecting me just know that alot of guys out there die to be my friend." and there it was, her smirk, back onto her lips after a very long time.
" ohhh so how can i miss this chance. Friends!" Manik replied back with a grin as they shaked hands and turned to leave back for their respective rooms until Nandini turned back.

"Hey Manik. I know i won't be able to trust you like before. My heart will take time but remember that you'll always be my friend." she wanted to be honest this time , throughout their relationship. No more bottled up feelings anymore.
"No problem cause i'll always wait for you till my last breathe." saying so, Manik left a smiling Nandini in the living room.
Yes with a real smile after a long time. a smile that reached upto her eyes. It was a fresh start for them, with no old wounds attached to bleed this time. They got their friend back but still some part of their heart was kept empty, lonely and craving for love . A true love . A person who will love them till eternity, unaware that empty space of their heart will get filled with care and every emotion of love and happiness.

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