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The Fab 5 came into the canteen with a 'we own it' attitude, while Nandini sat at a table with Navya, eating a burger and soda. Manik noticed her and turned to his pals, pointing to her figure, and saying, "Guys, lets go and sit over there."" There. Are you certain? "Fine with me," Mukti responded as they walked over to the table next to Nandini's."Now, Miss. Murthy, where will you hide?" Manik smirked as he passed her."I'll just go get something to eat." While the others were settling down, Cabir said." I used to be a foodie. "I'm always a foodie." Manik burst out laughing."Well, a guy needs food to survive lectures," Cabir said before proceeding to the counter, just as two girls approached Manik with blushed faces.

"Hey. Natasha is my name, but you can call me Nats." One of them introduced themselves as she tucked her hair behind her ear with care." Hello, lovely. " Manik responded with a smirk that made her heart skip a beat. He was always aware of the impact he had on people."And my name is Aish," butted the other." It's a pleasure to meet you. "By the way, you look lovely in this blue dress," he said." Thank you very much. Actually, I was going to say that you, too, are attractive. " Aish looked down, embarrassed." And now for the usual drill. " Mukti spoke to Alya, who was already dressed for the show." Oh my goodness, thank you so much. "Would you like to join us?" Manik inquired, patting the seat next to him."I mean, really!" "Actually, the real thing is- " Natasha remarked as the two sat down on either side of him." Is?" Manik inquired, his velvety voice growing closer to her." Could you please sing us a song?" "Pretty please," she asked, feeling very shy in his presence." Actually- " Manik was going to decline their request when he noticed Nandini exiting the cafeteria, " Yeah sure why not. "Anything for two lovely ladies," he said as he reached for his guitar.

"Oh, thank you so much," both girls exclaimed in delight."What song, though?" Aish inquired as Manik simply smiled and hummed to a song that stopped Nandini at the entrance.Bruno Mars's 'Just The Way You Are' begins to echo throughout the cafeteria as the crowd cheers for him. Manik approaches Nandini and stands in front of her before twirling her around. Nandini snatches away his hand as she tries to leave the area, irritated by his unexpected action. Unfortunately, Manik follows Nandini until the basketball court, while the other pupils simply follow them.

He begins dancing aggressively with Nandini, thinking of it as a fun move as the others begin to join them on the court, unaware of Nandini's unease. She goes out of the place, pushing him away, when other girls stop her.

Manik gives them a flirty smile and waves to them in a thank-you gesture before rushing over to the stands and singing the song's verse. Coming back down and kneeling in front of Nandini, he continued, "I just wanted to say that since the last time I saw you, I've gone a little crazy. Miss Murthy, you're like my new drug." His unexpected statement stunned the entire squad as well as the other students present: "I LIKE YOU NANDINI. I REALLY LIKE YOU. WILL YOU BE MY FRIEND?" he continued.

Nandini was utterly taken off surprise as she kept looking at him with her mouth ajar. She turned around to leave, not knowing how to handle the issue, but Manik grabbed her wrist and stopped her." At the very least, respond. "Walking away is impolite," he replied with a slight laugh, but Nandini swung around and slapped him hard, leaving the entire campus stunned."I hope you've gotten your answer by now." She lashed back, stamping her foot as Navya followed her, oblivious to the fact that she had already burst something and this may burn her as well.

Manik stood there, his eyes ablaze with rage, still processing what had just transpired. Fab 5 was too surprised to react at first, but subsequently stepped up to see if their friend was okay, but he simply walked by them with rage.

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