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The club was quite well established one with loud music blaring through the numerous speakers as the various people danced to it's beats on the dance floor. Fab 5 was happily enjoying it's vive since it was their first visit at a London club and thankfully it looked like it was the best one they'll ever be at. But somewhere down the line Manik was still getting a strange feeling that he tried his level best to hide in a closet of his heart in order to enjoy these present time moments with his buddies but he just couldn't.

Everyone was extremely happy as they crazily danced on the high beats of the DJ but at the same time they were more than well excited in order to meet Albert's boss as they'll get to listen her sing even before their practises in order to get an idea about her vocals and genre.
" Isn't this place awesome?" Alya shouted on top of her voice since she was too close to getting wasted. 
" Alya. Can you speak a little louder i can't hear anything!" screamed Dhruv as he chucked on his beer in order to keep it low.
"And i can't see anything other than the drinks." Mukti replied getting herself some vodka shots.
" Albert . Thank you soo much that you got us here man. It's an amazing place. Right Manik?" Cabir said sensing his best friend to be lost in some thoughts for the millionth time that night. 
"Yeah its really very good." replied Manik as he tried to catch up on the conversation.
" By the way Albert is this place everyday like this? Super crowded? I mean just look at them so many dazzled up people around." said Cabir as he looked at the crowd from their secluded balcony area.
"Mostly yes but today the crowd turned out to be more than expected since our ma'am is going to perform." replied Albert with a sense of proudness.
" could be too much hyped." murmured Mukti, literally jealous of the most talked girl right now.
" excuse me ,it's an important call." before Albert could ask what she meant, he got a call that made him excuse himself to a corner.
"yeah sure. you carry-on we'll be fine." replied Manik with a small smile as he gave a pointed look to Mukti. 
" i'll be back in a minute." Albert gave them an apologetic look before getting out of the place because of the loud music.
" You just relax a little mahn and attend your call." Cabi shouted out to him.

The songs were being played one by one while each passing second was making Manik and the others, more and more restless to meet the said 'talented girl'. He tried alot to control himself from all such emotions that made him feel like a traitor. He was madly and deeply in love with Nandini and so he did not had any right to think about a different women.

One announcement made everything come to a halt as Albert came upon the stage with an apologetic face. The DJ stopped the music as the guy held the mike in his hand and informed everyone, " Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I am feeling really sorry to tell you that your very own thursday star won't be able to perform tonight." 
His statement made the crowd upset as the crowd could be heard saying , "oh damn." , "seriously!", "You kidding me!"
" She has sent a message to all of you that she is really very sorry that she wont be able to make up tonight as she is still stuck in a very important meeting in Cuba. But she did promise to perform twice next week." he said trying to ease the crowd and well thankfully it worked as the crowd cheered, " Yes. We love you."
" so guys this was a message from your rockstar and i hope its fine with you all . So now enjoy the night." saying so he indicated the DJ to start the beat, who happily turned on the music again as crowd got back to having fun again.

" so we wont be able to meet your multi talented boss today." Cabir said as he spotted Albert walking upto them.
" sorry sir. Actually she is quite busy with the launch of her new album "HIGHSCHOOL" so she won't able to make it today but she will surely be here by tomorrow morning." Albert apologized to them.
" HIGHSCHOOL is her album. mahnn it's so fabulous. I have binge listened all the songs." cabir screamed like a little fangirl.
"Yeah i know right, but I have heard that in any of her concert, she hasn't revealed her face yet. Always a mask. lamost like a female Alan Walker. In fact she she has always been away from limelight. No interviews." Mukti got in the conversation as she explained all the information that she had.
" yes ma'am actually she's quite a private person. Also the business life keeps her quite busy where she do belive in keeping both of her lives different from one another. She wants to put up her business everywhere only through her capability and hence only a few people know about her." explained Albert.
" Every time you tell us something or the other about your boss, it ends up surprising and impressing us, which is kinda rare for our group." said Dhruv.
"Dhruv is quite right here. So tomorrow we surely gonna meet her." said Manik.
" yes sir . Moreover now you all will be practising together as she is probably gonna be the second lead singer at the london concert." agreed Albert.
" Nice. That will be fun." well Cabir got busy with the food.
" so for now we can enjoy." said Mukti as she handled everyone their drinks.
" yes ma'am. And there is that special cocktail available. You can have a try at that." Albert said denying for the drink.
" Just loose up a little bit. No one's gonna bite you. Lets goo." Alya pulled Dhruv to the dance floor while Mukti chose to keep herself busy in her drinks and Cabir, well he too got a partner while Manik kept standing at his place. A moment later a girl clad in a slim fit dress walked towards him.
" hi hottie." she said as she batted her eyelashes at him.
" hello." Manik gave her a small smile in order to not look rude.
" mind dancing with me?" she offered her hand to him.
" sorry. But i am already reserved for someone." Manik denied with a soft chuckle as he imagined Nandini beside him laughing as she eyed the girl.
" but i cant see anyone." the girl said looking around for his partner while Manik's imagination waved at the girl.
" because she is in my heart." replied Manik as he looked directly into nandini's eyes and kept a hand on his heart.
" wierd. So you are not coming?" the girl asked for the last time but Manik nodded in a negative.
 "duh your bad. " saying s, the girl went away to grab any other guy.

They all enjoyed themselves and after some time Albert dropped them at their hotel gate as he said before taking a leave , " so sir. I'll take your leave and you all should rest."
" thank you soo much. It was great fun." alya gave him a wide smile as she leaned over Dhruv's shoulder.
" so when we do have our meeting?" asked Manik as he opened his planner on his phone.
" sir. Tommorrow morning sharp 11 am and i'll be here to pick you up at 10:30." replied the guy. 
" fine with us. we'll be there on time." Cabir said as he too held Mukti.
" and sir please be on time  beacuse we have no idea what mood will be awaiting her tomorrow." Albert gave a small laugh.
" mood? " asked Mukti in her slurry voice.
" Our CEO is quite moody i must say, she doesn't toolerate anyone even a second late." Albert explained.
" Sounds like my mom. So how do you know what kind of mood it is today? " alya joked as she too slurred. 
": It's quite easy though. If her mood is good we might end up having a small morning concert in office with dancing around with the emloyees and if it is a bad mood you could always hear ranting even for the slightest thing. Cool right ?" albert too laughed along feeling a little loosened up with them.
" I must say she is different and wierd." Dhruv said.
" Interesting if you ask my word." Manik added as he said, " ok we'll be on time. I think you should go and have some rest too."
" good night sir. " Albert bid them a goodbye before closing the door and zooming off.

" Guys? " Manik turned to face his friends who were finding it quite difficult to stand on their feets.
" tommorrow at sharp 9: 30." they all spoke in unison trying to control their laughter.
" good night." said Manik waving them off and leaving for his room. 
" and have sweet dreams Manik about the boss if you may ask me." joked Cabir while Manik showed him his middle finger and left the lobby area.
" guys. We'll are very tired. Lets just go back to our room. I need some sleep." Dhruv said while th others nodded in affirmation.

The next morning, Manik texted the others to be in the hotel's lobby at right time so as to get to the office as soon as possible.
" oh bro . Soo desperate." said Cabir as he winked at his best friend.
" desperate to meet her . Right Cabir?" Mukti said fixing her shades.
"stop irritating him guys." Alya made them shush since her head had been throbbing with pain.
" better than having this stupid conversation, we should meet downstairs or we'll get late." said Dhruv as he handled her an aspirin.
" Dhruv. Why are you the only intelligent person in this group?" Manik grabbed his friend by his neck as everyone made their way downstairs where they were greeted by Albert by the door.

" good morning sir. Ready to go?" the guy asked with full enthusiasm.
" yeah. By the way is she here?" Manik asked.
" yes sir. She has just landed . So it will hardly take half an hour for her to reach there." replied albert.
" so we should all be going." Dhruv said.
" on your command sir." said Albert as he opened the door for them.
" bro. You don't need to be so formal." Cabir laughed as Albert smiled to this gesture of him and began their journey towards company.


30 minutes on the clock, the car halted infront of a huge building as everyone stepped out of it with their eyes popping out of their sockets looking at the fabulous facade and constantly working people around them. The building was quite tall inter-connected at different levels with green areas at alternative floors. The facade was more of glass glazing and wall panels.

As they came inside the interior was no less with that the outer layer, everything was well furnished and stylish with a modern touch to it's perfect settings.  Albert led them to the lift area as they moved upto the 24th floor and finally towards the conference room. They entered the hall where they were welcomed by a guy in his mid 20's who introduced himself as the general manager of the company.  
" hello Mr. Kashyap." Manik greeted the man.
" hello Mr. Malhotra it's nice meeting you and your group in the real word here." the man returned the gesture with a handshake.
" good to meet you." the others did it too.
" so Fab 5 is finally here for the contract and i bet that this is going to be the most grand conecert till date." the guy said with a huge smile as he asked them to their the seats opposite to him. Before Mr. Kashyap could speak any further, they heard sounds of some music followed by a  knock at the door.

" come in." Mr Kashyap said.
" sir she is here, reaching in 5 min." the peon answered making everyone in the band excited but Manik's heart started beating fast as if it might pounce out of it's ribcage.

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