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A loud sound came while Mukti clapped her hands like a 5 year old in excitement. Her soon to be husband couldn't stop his laughter as he watched her jump up and down, in his defense, it wasn't funny but adorable of her to do so. That was what he had fallen for, her gangster form, her child like nature, her smile and every small detal that made her, HER. He always thought he would never get someone in his life that would become it's whole definition. His life had always been his business and nothing else but it's the same business that had got his entagled to her. To a person he could rely upon in his life. Love and cherish moments with and grow old.

Coming back to the stage aah how could i forgot they are waiting to start their performance and i am making them wait. Those shimmers came ahead and the song played in the background everyone did their steps just perfectly while their choreographer stood at a distance with proud.

Did i just exaggerated it? Forget it, it was that each and every person was enjoying it. All the guys or girls too joined them to move their body on the rythems. They too pulled Rajat while he held Mukti's hand and took her on the stage. Everyone danced in circles with them in centre. Even Granny was called but she just clapped at others. Manik's face colour faded but soon glowed with happiness when she too did some rythmic steps along with the others. Such a stamina she had.

The dance ended and everyone clapped for themselves. Self praising you see. Mukti and Rajat moved back and sat back at their respective places again. They anyway had to be on their toes today, that's what you get when you decide to get married in a full fledged indian wedding.

" so Rajat where's your sister?" asked Manik as he took a sip of water.
"She must be here somewhere. Her phone's not reachable too." the groom looked around among the guests but hadn't been able to find his sister yet.
"I think they got scared of loosing from us." Alya teased him while the others joined her in a laugh.
" Alya i don't think it's like that." but Mukti came in defense for her soon to be sister-in-law.
" oh my god we are so scared. Mukti you are changing sides now." Cabir exclaimed with a dramatic pause.
" whatever but i will take her side too." Mukti brushed him off unaware that the others had already caught up in his teasing session of his.
" Manik i think she'll forget us when she's gone." said Dhruv wiping fake tears.
"I got no problem with that. I can very well pull her back up by her ears." said Manik as he attempted to touch Mukti's ear who slapped his hand away.
" oh really!! Try to touch me now." she challeneged him with her hands on her waist.
" nope don't want to ruin your reputation in front of your to be husband." Manik folded his arms in front of his chest.
" Manik you have full authority you can drag her by her ears." what they hadn't thought of was Rajat acttually ganging up with them.
" you are supporting them. I thought you'll save me." Mukti whined in disappointment.
" oh oh now so." said Alya.
" you are stuck brother." Cabir kept a playful arm around Rajat who ducked away with a laugh as everyone said their patent, "shut up Cabir." together.

" wow what a coincidence everyone said it together." but guess who was still unaware of it.
" you will never change Cabir. But i'll surely miss you all and our fun." and that was the cue for the bride to get emotional again.
" don't get sentimental on us or else we'll all start crying." Dhruv pulled her into a side hug as she wiped a tear on his kurta.
" nope nope no one's ruining make up." Aya quickly pulled her friend away using a napkin this time.
" moreover without makeup you look like a ghost. I don't want Rajat to get scared." Manik attempted to make a joke in order to lighten up the mood somehow.
" is it ?" Rajat too joined in when he realised Manik's intention. Soon enough the guys were in on this new mission.
" once i saw her and Alya without makeup damn i got a 104° fever buddy." Cabir made a joke.
" i look hot even without make up." but alya took a swing at him by her fist.
" Alya forget it boy's always have issue with our makeup." Mukti pulled her best friend away as Manik heaved a sigh of relief to have dodged the sentimental bullet. He pulled out his phone in order to call Nandini while at the same time he oulled Cabir away from Alya, " stop fighting guys. I'll call Nandini. Don't know where she is lost."

A sudden music through the speakers made them turn around and there they saw Nandini walking down the stage dancing on the tunes. She was dancing merrily on the song with the others and especially with her Granny. They both, together, had always rocked the stage and to its addition even Rajat danced along with his small family.

In between he sometimes winked and gave flying kisses at Mukti who blushed like beetroot red in retur.  At the end Manik danced with Nanz while everyone joined them. They ended their performance with Nandini and Rajat hugging Granny while others clapped happily for them.
" leaving so soon. The fun has just started." nandini pulled everyone back on stage as they attempted to leave.
" what do you mean?" Granny asked but Nandini just blew away from her place like a wind.
" Where has she gone now?" the lady looked around for her grand-daughter but everyone just shrugged in response.
" no idea Granny. Wait I'll look for her." Rajat started helping his grand-mother down the stage when the lights went off and the music played again.

The gates flunked open and there entered a doli (a carriage or cot that will take her to her matrimonial home) with a groom beside it. The doli was brought in by some guys on their shoulders by its rod. It was then dropped in the centre while the groom forwarded his hand for the lady to come out. The beats changed when both, the lady pulled her viel while the groom removed his sehra (a forehead garland/nupital crown worn by the bridegroom during weddings in Indian subcontinent). There they were, Nandini and Aryaman, who danced along the other dancers on the beats and even fab 5 joined them by the end.

The sangeet ceremony ended with lots of fun while both the teams, the challenge was long forgotten and the moon shone in the dark sky and the people drifted off to sleep.

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