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The car halted at the MURTHY RESIDENSE as Nandini came out of it running and straight away headed for her oom. Aryaman being a true friend couldn't handle it anymore. Nandini had been crying since they left the campus and now it was high time he needed to know the truth.

Aryaman walked inside the house as he found her walking up the stairs to her room but before he could call out to her, she had already escapedx to the depths of her safe haven as she banged the door harder than she usually do. Aryaman was now extremely tensed for his friend so he decided to confront her on this matter but before he could do so, he recieved a call from Navya.
" Navya ." he said as soon as he picked it up.
" Aryaman how is she?" asked a worried Navya.
" She has just been crying since then. Navya please tell what happened at college?" he asked and so Navya explained Aryaman everything that had happened between Nandini and Manik. Aryaman was furious on Manik for hurting his best friend as his knuckles turned white as soon as Nandini's crying face came in front of his eyes.

" Navya. I wont leave him. He has broken her. How could he?" he shouted over the phone. 
" Aryaman. Aryaman listen you won't do anything." Navya tried to calm him down.
" He can do anything he want but i can't!" the guy was even more furious now.
" Aryaman please for Nandini. She needs your support more than anything right now." Navya reminded him of the person he should be focusing on right now. 
" no Navya. Manik have to pay for this. " Arya turned to leave the house in order to beat the shit out of Manik but Navya's words stopped him as she said, " Aryaman you have Nandini's swear."

Arya stopped moving further as he sighed in a low voice, " Navya"
" Aryaman at this point of time more than anyone Nandini needs you. Please if you loose your temper then nothing will ever be right." Navya tried to make him understand the situation.
"I guess you are right. Now i won't even let that bastard go any closer to her. " threatened Aryaman.
" Yes. Whatever you want to do you can but for now relax. Give nandini some time. It's not easy for her to handle all of this together." Navya suggested.
" I promise i'll take care of her. Goodbye." he said.
" bye and take care." 

 While in Nandini's room, it was all shattered just like Nandini's heart or far more than that as she sat in between all the glass pieces and i love you cards that she had bought for Manik. Right now she didn't even cared if her hand was blooding due to those broken glass pieces because her heart was shedding more blood than her hand.

Nandini had been crying remembering all her past memories with Manik which made her feel happy yesterday were now making her regret on her decision. They weren't alot, agreed but they in that limited period of time she had felt the most alive as now she regretted the decision to fall for him.

" Why? Manik why ? Why did you do this to me? I genuinely loved you with my whole heart. But it's my fault i should have never believed you. Just for a foolish revenge dare you broke my heart today. God why does everyone leave me. Am i that bad, that i don't deserve anyone in my life. Firstly mom and dad left me and now my first love left me shattered. I will never forget this Manik Malhotra. Never. I HATE YOU. " she screamed as she held their polaroid picture in her hand.

The pain of this heartbreak was getting out of control for Nandini as she took a vase and shamshed it at the mirror devastating the poor mirror into tiny pieces. The entire night she couldn't sleep thinking how her life has taken a 360 degree turn in a single day.


The next morning wasn't anything different like the previous ones but in terms of Nandini, it was. She wasn't the bubbly girl anymore as she sat still on the floor with her eyes closed. She had been crying the entire night as she cursed herself for loving a jerk like Manik to a point that her tears had dried up completely.

Aryaman entered her room and his heart ached the next moment he saw her state but he knew that he needed to compose himself so that he could console her. He moved forward towards her as he sat down beside her but Nandini had her eyes still close, thinking that she might be asleep, he started stroking her hair with utmost care when suddenly she opened her yes. The first thing she did was to hug Aryaman and cry her heart out .

" Nandini shhh. hey. Calm down . I know everything. " Aryaman kept stroking her hair as her breath was uneven.
" but why me Aryaman? Why always me? " Nandini asked between her hiccups.
" look you are a princess right . All of our princesses don't cry." Nandini hugged him more tightly sobbing in his arms as Aryaman broke the hug and kissed her on her forehead.

" Nandini please stop crying you know how much i hate when you cry. " he begged her.
" but Aryaman-" her sobs had gotten lighter now and her words more clearer than before.
" Nandini relax. Look just get ready fast we need to go to college." Aryaman informed making Nandini get up abruptly as she stood by the window.
" Aryaman i..... I cant face him." she said not facing him.
" Nandini. I know you are not a coward so you have to fight like you fight always. But this time with your emotions with your destiny. You need to show yourself that how much precious is your smile." Aryaman walked upto her as he kept a hand on his shoulder.

" But Aryaman you know-" Nandini tried to deny but Aryaman interrupted her.
" No if's and but's we need to leave, we also have fest today or Navya won't leave us." To his statement Nandini smiled a bit as Aryaman pushed her inside the washroom.

" Nandini" he called out to her.
" yes? " Nandini asked giving him a small smile.
" Your smile is precious never ever let it go from your face. I'll be waiting down you get fresh and meet me there okay?" he said before heading out of her room.

Later on both, Nandini and Aryaman left for the college ofcourse after some much needed banter and arguement because Nandini, well she was in no mood to eat anything but Aryaman forced her to have her breakfast .

At the college campus, the duo came out of the car and were about to enter the building when Nandini stopped at a sight.

" Nandini. Let's go." Aryaman turned as he realized that he had been blabbering to himself but Nandini nodded in a no.
" for me please." he requested to which Nandini stepped inside the college with Aryaman beside her. Navya was waiting for them she knew she has to keep a happy face so that Nandini would feel good.

" hi Nandini. Let's go it's time for your favourite class right now." beamed Navya giving her friend a hug. 
" yes." Nandini smiled at her friend's concern as the trio went ahead when Fab 5 came right infront of them. Manik wanted to talk to Nandini but her eyes conveyed how shattered she was.

Aryaman was extremely angry but still he composed himself as he held Nandini's hand walking ahead ignoring the others.

" Aryaman" Cabir tried to stop them but Manik interrupted.
" Cabir. It's my fault. I'll handle it. You relax." he said assuring him.
" we trust you and we know you're gonna make it right." dhruv supported him.
" and its my fault toooo. So you are not alone." Mukti said.
" thanks guys. " Manik gave them a small smile as they all left for their respective lectures.

Later on after their lectures, the entire gang was seated at their original places in the canteen when Navya, Aryaman and Nandini entered the premises and Cabir waved at them hoping they would join them and the matter could be cleared.
" guys. Come here." he said making Nandini stop in the middle of her path as Aryaman sensed her discomfort.
" Nandini if you are not comfortable its fine. " he assured her.
" No Aryaman i am fine. Moreover we have a performance together, i can't run around forever." Nandini gave him a small yet nervous smile as the trio walked upto FAB 5 . Navya sat beside Cabir and Aryaman knew what Nandini was going through so to ease the situation for her, he sat beside Manik while Nandini took the seat beside him.

Manik was trying to steal some glances of her but Aryaman had been quite successful into blocking his view. The former tried to talk to her but she just kept on avoiding him when unfortunately the bell rang as the announcement for the commencement of the further lectures and before Manik could say something to her, Nandini stood up as she held Aryaman's hand and walked out of the canteen leaving Manik with a counter of emotions being jealousy, guilt, disappointment and well alot more.

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