Chapter Thirteen | The Cave

Start from the beginning

I rose an eyebrow. Maybe a specific time opened it?

I gingerly reached up and pushed the hands around. I could play as much as I wantedー my gloves wouldn't leave a trace. I sighed. There was too many times!

What would be important enough that Batsー Bruce would care about?

I thought back to our previous conversations, running through everything I knew. A specific sentence flashed in my mind.

"Pretty name. You know, if my parents ever had a girl, they were going to name her Brielle."

I grinned. His parents!

I whipped out my phone and started to search up any important times related to his parents. An article came up, titled, "THE WAYNE LEGACY."

I clicked on it and started reading. "Thomas and Martha Wayne.." I muttered to myself, "owners of Wayne Enterprises.. shot in an alley.. declared dead at 10:47!"

I shut my phone off and moved the hands of the clock to the appropriate time. The second they were at 10:47, a hissing sound reached my ears. My eyes widened as I watched the clock move to the right. In place of it was a pair of metal doors which slid open. Inside was a small room, lights illuminating the bottom.

With an eyebrow raised and a grin starting to grow on my face, I cautiously stepped into the doors as they closed. I jumped when the room started to move down, and held the wall for support.

Was this an elevator?

My question was answered when the elevator suddenly stopped moving and the hissing sound filled my ears again. I stepped out, and was met with crisp, cold air. I sensed it was a vast room, and before I could think of anything else, the lights flickered on.

My mouth fell open.

"Holy shit."

And I thought the League's space treehouse was cool. No. This was the pinnacle of cool. He even had.. is that a giant dinosaur statue?! I heard small squeaks as everything continued powering on. I looked up and squinted, and right when I saw what the noise was coming from, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"No. Way." I said as I watched the bats flutter around the ceiling.

I slowly took a couple more steps as I came to the center of the cave, and l turned in a full circle to try and get a grasp on what exactly the cave looked like. To be honest I wasn't entirely sure what I expected. I knew there were probably live bats, but other than that, I don't know what I pictured. I mean, is anyone truly ready to experience the essence that is the Batcave?

Oh God.. now I'm getting philosophical.

I walked towards the big computer in the middle of the room, and ran my fingers over the keyboard as I inspected the rest of the room.

It was dark, but the machines and gadgets lit it up. There were several different levels with random gadgets and tables. I was standing on one of the upper levels, and below me was a parking pad. The Batmobile sat there in all is glory, along with a red, yellow, and black colored motorcycle. Several other vehicles lined up with them as well.

Back on the upper floor, there was the computer I stood at, which had smaller screens around it. Glass cases stood to one wall, most of them with different versions of the bat suit, and a couple with Robins.

I snickered as I climbed up to another set of stairs, investigating the different weapons displayed in front of me.

Then I ran off.

* * *

An hour later, I sat up on one of the highest levels of the Batcave, my feet dangling off the edge. I was toying around with a crossbow-looking-thing, my phone playing Back in Black by AC/DC. (I figured it was appropriate considering my current situation) I had grabbed a few fun things: a new grappling gun, some throwing knives, and the keys to a really sweet motorcycle. (Like Robins, but in black. Black is always better.)

"Why do we even go to those things, Bruce?" A voice suddenly rang out from near the elevator. I set the gadget aside and turned off my phone to hear better.

"We're obligated to show up, Dick. If I had a choice, I wouldn't either."

A scoff. "Oh, please! You totally like to go and flirt with that one really pretty lady who always wears black, which doesn't even make sense because neither of you ever actually do anything."

I almost laughed. It seems Selina has found a new play-toy.

"I occasionally interact with her, but it's strictly professional."

"Since when is secretly making out considered, 'professional'?"

I quietly snickered as I stood up and slowly made my way down towards the main computer. "So, Boy Blunder can actually be funny. That's a shocker."

There was silence.

Somebody was not going to be happy.

* * *

OKAYYY HOPEFULLY THIS DIDN'T SUCK??????? KIND OF A BORING CHAPTER??? BUT NEXT CHAPTER SHE GETS TO MEET THE TEAM SOOOOO ITS WORTH IT I GUESS xD Anyways, sorry I haven't updated in a while and thanks for all of the support!!

xo Alexa

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