Chapter Forty Seven

Start from the beginning


"Hello Joan, what are you up to?"

Joan came to a sudden halt as she passed by Heidi's room. As she did, the little girl poked her head out and greeted her.

"Oh I'm just taking a stroll." Joan answered.

"Why don't you come in?" Heidi beckoned, pushing open the door to admit her. Seeing as she had nothing better to do, Joan entered. When she did, she found the floor littered with toys, dolls lying everywhere along with an assortment of dresses, teddy bears, miniature furniture from the doll house and other childish paraphernalia. On Heidi's bed, stood and male and female doll, who appeared to be getting married.

"Who is the happy couple?" Joan joked, walking in and inspecting the elaborate decorations Heidi had put up using bits and pieces of cloth and a collection of colorful sequences.

"These two right here!" Heidi held up the two dolls, which were well dressed for the occasion. "But I need help. I need someone to play a bit of the audience and the vicar. Could you?"

"Me?" Joan asked, startled. She looked around the room and wondered when the last time she had played with dolls was. She found she could not remember.

"Yes! Here." Heidi handed her two dolls, both of which were dressed in the finery common to noble ladies. Joan took them hesitantly, the oddness of the moment rendering her speechless.

"Alright, I'll bring in the bride and groom now!" Heidi announced as she made the two dolls walk across the makeshift aisle. She looked up at Joan expectantly.
"Erm–My, what a beautiful wedding." She murmured awkwardly, shaking one of the dolls to indicate it was her who spoke.
"Indeed! Does the bride not look gorgeous?" Joan said in the other doll's voice. As she watched Heidi walk the couple along, some strange, mischievous feeling got hold of her. Joan held up one doll, increasing the pitch of her voice and said "But to be honest, I'm just here for the free food!"

Heidi looked over at Joan in surprise, and started laughing as Joan continued in the other doll's voice. "Oh Yes! But we shall have to hurry! I hear the bride eats like a pig."

"Good lord! I heard from the florist who knew the son of a man who was acquainted with the servant of the bride's aunt that she once tried to run away to join the circus as a jester!"
"You don't say! I hear the groom dressed up like a bear to scare away the bride's family so he would not have to marry her!"

Forgetting about the bride and the groom, Heidi picked up another doll and joined in the conversation. "Dear ladies! If you think that's bad, you should know that the groom's eyes sight is so poor; he thought a white horse to be his bride and tried to bring it in to the church! The bride was not very pleased to know she was being bested by a horse!"

This went on for a while, with the two girls giggling and laughing loudly. Heidi and Joan then took turns with being the vicar, who messed up his speech and forget his words. Eventually however, Heidi declared the two dolls married and sat back, holding her side and still giggling madly.

"That was fun." She chuckled. "I just love happy endings, don't you?"

Joan smiled. "Well, I suppose so."

Heidi sat up suddenly. "Have you ever dreamed of a happy ending yourself Joan?"

Joan frowned, looking thoughtful. "Well, I might have when I was younger, as most little girls do."
"What did you dream of?" Heidi questioned with interest.

"The usual things of course." Joan laughed. "I dreamed of going on a great adventure, rescuing a village from an evil witch. Then I dreamed of finding true love...and getting married and having a grand wedding..." Joan's voice had become soft and dreamy, lost in the past for a minute,reliving those glorious moments from her childhood,the days when she had her parents by her side,when she had been happy .Then she remembered herself and shook her head, clearing away those disheartening thoughts.

"I can't believe how naïve I used to be." She said, a look of irritation passing across her features. "Such childish dreams, what utter nonsense."
"I don't think its nonsense." Heidi piped up, her expression serious. "We all want happy endings don't we?"
"Ahh yes well – in reality not everyone gets a happy ending." Joan said grimly, playing with the black lace of her dress.

"One can try." Heidi said. "But to do that, one needs to free themselves of many burdens that weigh them down."

Joan did not answer, knowing exactly what Heidi meant. She expected her to go on, but what Heidi said next surprised her.

"You don't have too far to go you know. I think you already have the true love part of your happily ever after taken care of."

Joan stared at her in confusion. "I do?" She questioned, wondering who in the right mind would love her. Heidi raised her brow, a knowing look in her eyes. "I'm talking about Avander."

Joan did a double take at this, looking appalled. "Wait–what?" She exclaimed. "Now really Heidi, I don't think–"
"Why is it so hard to believe?" Heidi asked innocently.
Joan was very red in the face now, eyes darting everywhere for some sort of escape. She looked away from Heidi, unwilling to meet her gaze. "It just won't work." She said after a pause.
"Is it because Avander is a demon?"

Joan nodded but said. "But more than that, it is because of me. I'm just not worth it."

"Of course you are!" Heidi objected while looking very shocked at this sudden declaration. "Joan, you need to stop hating yourself so much. You need to know that there are those who care for you, despite all that you have done."

Joan's laugh rang with mockery, short and bark like. Yet, at the same time, no matter how much she tried to mask it, there was sorrow impregnated into it. Her reddish eyes were screwed up, shimmering with emotion she did not want to show.

"You say it as though I've committed only a small act of evil Heidi." She said,getting up. "When in reality I have killed many, both the innocent and the guilty. Despite all that, I have yet to feel any remorse for my actions. I have yet to repent for my sins and mark my words, I never will. Do you honestly think someone like that is worth caring for?"

"I do." Heidi answered firmly, her voice bold and eyes serious. "I do, because I have faith that you will overcome this dark phase that you will discover abetter part of yourself with the help of those who care for you. Avander and I will always be by your side, know that."

"I do not wish to discuss this Heidi." Joan snapped. She was gone, slamming the door behind her and Heidi watched her leave once more, gazing after her sadly.She looked down at the dolls in her hands and sighed. She put the pair up on her bedside table, making their porcelain hands touching. She smiled a bit.

One day Joan. You will understand one day.

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