.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Twenty Six

Start from the beginning

Colby frowned. "Fine." He walked up to the counter. The lady there - probably our age - looked up and smiled at Colby. She started blinking a lot - batting her eyes, whatever - at Colby. I glared at her, but she was too busy staring at Colby.

Colby didn't seem to notice it, though. Stupid, clueless hottie. Ugh! I'm turning evil, aren't I? Well, maybe not evil but. . .weird. Nah. I was weird before.  He just ordered two cookie dough blizzards. 

The girl obviously thought I wasn't there at all, or just Colby's sister or something, because she said. "I get off in an hour."

"Um-" That was all Colby was able to say, because I cut him off.

"He's mine, random chick. Now go get the damn ice cream before you regret ever coming to work today."  Okay, I had no idea where that came from. He wasn't 'mine' and the only way I'd make her regret coming to work would be by freaking her out with my level of weirdness. 

She scoffed and turned around, while Colby started cracking up. "What the hell was that?" He doubled over, holding his stomach as he continued to laugh. I didn't see what was so funny. Really. It was like that time Tina was being all serious. It was creeping me out.

I shrugged and crossed my arms. "She was annoying. I was saving you from dating that freak. Trust me. It would be like-" I twirled my hair around my fingers and kind of twisted my body a little. In a girly girl voice, I mocked. "Oh my God, Colby. You're just sooo hot. Like, totally! And your blue eyes - they're just like, oh my God-"

Colby put his hand on my shoulder and asked in a serious tone. "Aw. Are you telling me what you really think by mocking that poor girl?" He burst out laughing again. Stupid, stupid boy. "You do realize she's gonna spit in it, right?" He asked between laughs. He rested his head against the counter, holding his stomach. Really. God. It wasn't that funny! 

 The stupid counter lady came back with the ice cream, raising her eyebrow at Colby. He didn't even notice. He was still laughing his head off. Still doubled over laughing, he rested his head against my leg. The damn voice went crazy. 

Omigod. Omigod. He's touching my leg! My leg! With that beautiful head of his. I'm going to diiie of happiness!

Wow. For the first time, that voice hadn't said anything disturbing or rated R. I felt proud of that voice. The chick was glaring at me, so I stuck my tongue out at her. 

Colby got a hold of himself and straightened up. He was still giggling a little - Oh, I hate that word - but he took the ice cream anyway. We sat down in an empty table across from some chick who looked insanely impatient. I mean, she was tapping on the table - Hehe, that sounds weird - glancing at the door, crap like that. And she looked kinda familiar. School was out already, so she was probably a student and I'd seen her in the halls or something. I don't know.

I asked Colby, "So, what the hell was so funny? You looked like you were gonna piss yourself or something." 

He smirked at me and said in a high pitched voice, apparently mocking me. "He's mine. Now go get the damn ice cream before you regret ever coming to work today." He snorted. "Imagine how jealous you'd get if we actually were dating." He burst out laughing again. "You'd f**king kill her." 

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I did not sound like that." 

"Mhm. Would you rather I pretend you sounded like this -" He said in a really deep voice. "He's mine-"

Laughing, I shoved the ice cream up in his face. "Shut up, you dork." When he stopped laughing, I frowned. He looked confused. What? He'd never heard anyone say shut up before? Oh, I know he has. I'd said it to him more than I can count. And, yes, I can count pretty damn high, thank you very much. He looked over my shoulder. What? Was it that damn Dairy Queen employee again?! 

I glanced over my shoulder. All I saw was some dirty blond guy making out with that once impatient chick. Oh. Colby missed kissing, didn't he? That was probably it. I turned back to him.


"Th - That's..." He trailed off. I scowled at him. Why was he acting so weird? Not that he ever acted normal but this was strange, even for him.

I turned around in my seat, looking at the kissing couple again. Then I gasped. Oh God. Oh God. No. No. Noooooooo. Nuh-huh. That had to some long lost twin or something. He couldn't have been cheating.

"Skyler! What the hell!?!" I growled. 

The blond guy pulled away and locked eyes with me. Yeah. Definitely Skyler. Tina was going to be crushed. His eyes widened and his mouth fell open. 

The girl asked. "What?"

Skyler gulped. "Um. . . Hey, Vanessa. Can you go get some water?"

Vanessa nodded then stood up, frowning curiously at Colby and I. She was probably wondering why Skyler was acting so weird, kinda like I was wondering why Colby was acting strange only a few seconds ago. So, obviously, she was innocent and clueless. I couldn't blame her. Meaning my sister's heartbreak would be Skyler's fault.

Skyler leaned forward across the table. "Please. Don't tell Tina. I was just. . .She's. . ."

Colby glared at him. "Conan is so much better than you. Katherine, you're seriously not keeping this from her, right? She'll-"

"Of course not, idiot. She's my sister. I'm so going to tell her. Sky, you better change your phone number, because by the end of the day, you'll have a bajillion voicemails or something." I spat at him - not literally, because that's gross and bad - and grabbed Colby by the front of his shirt. "We're leaving." 

I dragged him out of there. Skyler was freakin' cheating on Tina? She was going to be crushed. Probably more than I was. I mean, when Riley had cheated, I wasn't very surprised, just disappointed. But Skyler had seemed like such a good guy. . .Colby was right. Conan was better. But, if she ended up with him, that'd be weird. Conan Tozier and Tina Blakeslee, Blake Tozier and Alina Blakeslee, and then, eventually, Colby Tozier and Katherine Blakeslee. Then if we got married, we'd all be Tozier's! That'd be freaking weird. 

There I go again, thinking about marrying Colby. Thank God I hadn't gotten to the point where I start thinking about it in details. Because then, I'd start thinking about the stupid honeymoon and God knows what the Aroused-By-Colby side of me could think up. 

I pulled out my phone, searching for Tina's name in my contacts list.

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