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I'm not the traditional good girl with good grades, a spotless reputation, and a "bright future". I had a few bad decisions in my past. A couple fights. Some punishments. And a few lectures from dad. But , I honestly don't regret those choices. I know I'm not going to college or getting a good career because of my decisions. But so what ?

If you're asking , my name is Liz. It's Eliza, but I hate that name with a passion, so everyone calls me Liz . I'll be 17 this October. It's just me, my dad, and my dog in our house. My coward ass mother walked out on us when my dad lost his job. I was only five. But now, my dad works at some law firm downtown.

I have long black hair and green eyes. I'm a little on the pale side. I have a little height on me and I'm pretty slim. My dad says I look just like my mother when I smile.

I hang with the "bad kids" at school. That includes Lenny, Eric, Mandy, Sandra, Maria, Quincy, and my two best friends, Fauna & Frankie, the twins. We had all been in some kind of major trouble. Ranging from vandalism to fighting our math teacher. But, only Lenny had been arrested by the police. He stole the principals car. Which I personally thought was fucking awesome.

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