The next morning I was still in pain but not as much as before. My wound was still open but not as deep as it was before. It was taking its time to heal me the correct way. I got up slowly and get ready. It was easy to put on some of my ripped up black skinny jeans and black vans but trying to out in my bad blue v-neck tee was painful. I groan out in pain again and just gave up. I was about to leave the room shirtless when I felt arms wrap around me. I was greeted with a kiss on the cheek and slowly lifted my left arm. Riley help me put on the shirt and kissed me again. I smile when she pulls away only to pull her close again to feel her lips on mine. She pulled away again and I smile at her blushing face. I love her I thought. Holy hell, I fucking love Riley. She walked away from me before I had the chance to say anything when Sara came running in. "more airdrops" she yells and I ran to the office. Wasn't my greatest the thing for me to do but I needed to tell the others and send people out to get them. Looks like the government was coming through. This was going to be good for trading with Lucy and Ken.

Jimmy and Claire were the only one there's. "Look Sara saw more airdrops and since we are close to them I'll send you two out with a group of four each so you and get them and then we can trade with Lucy and Ken," I said. "Alright boss," said Jimmy and Claire just nodded. I went to the map that pinned up to the wall and looked at the trade route that they made yesterday after Jimmy and Claire left. It seems that their route was going to be the Henny Hudson Parkway. It was on the water for Ken's group and really closer to BMCC. after drawing in the route and putting up trade stops that needed to be built and man every day. It would also be a good idea to build walls around the trade stops so people can rest and be safe while trading. I was going to radio Lucy and Ken and tell them about the trade stops when I felt soft lips on the back of my neck. I shiver at the connect and turn around to see a smiling Riley. "Come on take a break you need to rest," she said to me. "But I'm fine just give me ten minutes so I can talk to the other leaders and ill follow you anyway," I told her leaning in for a kiss. She smiles and left me to work. I connected the other to let them know my plan and that I sent people out for more airdrops. They respond fast to my trade stop ideas and thought it was a good thing and they told me what they needed most from the air drops. Ken needed some food other than fish and Lucy was having trouble finding medical supplies. I call the two groups I sent out and ask them how things were. Claire answered me telling me the skies were clear and they were returning already. "Jimmy you there," I ask. "Yea just fought off some growlers we got the drop and are heading back now," he said to me. I was worried there for a minute.

After I was done with them I was going to start drawing what the trade stops will look like when I have pulled away from the desk and pushes into a nearby chair. I tried to get up but then Riley sits in my lap putting her arms around my neck. "You said ten minutes Jackie and it's been twenty" she pouted. She looks so cute right now that I just kiss her "sorry love, I'll stop working now and take that break" I said to her. She smiles and kisses me again. I put my hands on her hips while her hands ran through my short hair. Our kiss became something of a slow rough battle. I wanted to take control by biting into her lip but she refuses to open up to me. She did the same but I wasn't going to lose. I broke the kiss only to move down to her neck and kiss and bit into her. Her hand tightens their grip on my hair as I give her a hickey. I kiss back up to her lips and felt her grind into me. My hands move from her hips but she stops me. I look at her and she just smirks. She got off of me and I got up to go after her. She was going up the stairs to the rooftop. I follow her until she stops. She was leaning up against the wall with that smirk still on her soft pink lips.

I stepped up to her when I hear my walkie-talkie go off. Riley just smiles and kiss my lips. "What's up" I answer and hear Claire's voice "we need some help we find some people," she said. I sigh when I felt Riley's hand in mine. She whispers into my ear "next time" and bit it and kissed down my neck. She just turned me on so bad.

We made our way downstairs and outside to the gate. In no time I saw Claire and the guys she had with her carrying the army green box and four people with her. As they got closer I got a better look at who she brought back with her. I saw three girls and one guy. The girl looks scared but on guard because they didn't know what they were getting into but the guy, something in me told me not to let him in. Claire steps up to me and told me about how she finds these four sleeping in a car and that they all met last night so the guy was new to the three girls. I nodded at her and she went inside the gate. "Ok so we have rules here but Claire will tell you about it" I love over to Riley and saw she was tense> "Riley here will show you three girls to a room and give you some food," I said to them and they look happy. They quickly move to Riley and follow her. The guy started to move but I step in his way. " not you dude I saw the marks on their body, you beat those girls get lost" I said and turn away. "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU" he yelled at me and try to fight me. I wasn't having any of this and dodge his first punch and walk back inside. I saw Claire watching me and smile. I think she wanted to test me and I pass. Hallie climbs down from the tower and punches the guy hard in the neck and she kicks him to the ground. I was surprised at her and smile when she grabs the guy by the ear and throw him out. I didn't have any way for her so I just smile and gave her a thumbs up. She blushes and smiles at me before making her way back up to the tower.

I wanted to talk to the girls and ask them what happen but I left that to Riley. She was better at that then I and I made my way to the office to continue working on the trade stop plans. I was done with one drawing when I saw Claire enter the room. "What's up Claire," I ask her. "Nothing much just dividing up the good we got and I sent two people over to BMCC and waiting for Jimmy," she said. "Alright good, so I drew out plans for building trade stops so people can rest in them and trade for what they need along the route. I drew four and place them in good places" I told her. "Good and I'll see to it that some people will start building it and have Lucy help out," said Claire. "Good idea contacts her and tells her," I said and Claire left the room. I was going to go back to work when I felt someone jump onto my back. "Mom you work too much come play with me" she Tabi's tiny voice. "Ok, I will," I told her with a smile. "What are we going to do girlie," I ask her? "Teach me how school stuff," she said. "Kid I wasn't that best in school I got in trouble a lot," I told her which is true I got in trouble a lot but I was also the smartest one there,"ok how about tell me if I can call her mom," she said with a blush. I put Tabi down because my side started to hurt again and I told her "you can call me mom anything you want" she smile and hug me tight.

I laugh and took her hand and mine so we can go eat. I haven't eaten all day and I needed to so my body can heal. We made our way to the lunchroom when I saw Zac and Erin cooking. I didn't know that could cook. Guess it's time to find out. After getting gout food Tabi asks me question about the growlers and tickers and how come I was the only person able to fight the freaks. I told her because of nature that they came and I was the only one because I was as strong as one but I didn't turn into one. She didn't say it but I could tell she was scared of me fighting the freaks just like Riley but they didn't need to worry about it but I knew they did. I told her I was strong and that I always won. She still had that worried look in her eyes but she just nodded and asked me more questions about anything and everything. She asks me about trees and books and about animals and colors. I told her what I know and I told her about things she didn't ask me.

We finish our food and we walked back to our room. She didn't want to be there because she wanted to play with the new kid Cameron. I told her that her bedtime was whenever to be careful. My left side to hurt again but I didn't care. I took off my shirt and lay down on my bed. Riley walked in a few minutes later and laid down next to me. "Hey love," I said to her. "You need to change your bandages," she told me. She was right but I didn't feel like it. All I could think about was work and sleep. She got up and remove it for me. "Love I can do it myself I told her" she shook her head no and clean up the hole in me and put a new bandage on it. I smile a thank you to her and kiss her. She kisses me back and pushes me down. We made out and let our hand explore each other's bodies. Damn, she was turning me on but we couldn't do anything because of my wound. We had to stop because we heard an "eww moms stop it" coming from Tabi. we both laugh and Riley lay down on me. "What's up girlie," I said. "Can I sleep over with Cameron and her brother please?" she ask us. I look at Riley and she said "yes but we have to meet her first" said Riley. Tabi looks happy and ran to get her new friend. A few minutes later Tabi had Cameron with her and with told us about her. I already knew her but Riley didn't. After a few more minutes we said it was ok. Tabi left with her new friend while Riley started kissing me again. I kiss her back but then she pulled away. " I want to tell you more about my past," she told me.

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